Valley Forge -by Gunnergrunt Hello fellow Forgehub members and friends! This is my first post! (In fact this is the first time i've ever used a forum...) If there are any mistakes, let me know and i'll edit this thread right away. Okay now on the the map! Map Description Valley Forge is a large open battleground that utilizes all the possible space of Foundry. Interlocking, budget glitching, geomerging, and love were all used effectively to create this map. Valley Forge consist of an open central area only occupied by a single platform which connects to a hill on each side of the map. Under each hill are a variety of tunnels and caves. Also, along with hills, are abundant cliff and ledges. It does not take much imagination to bring this map to life. Each side of the map (in respect to the central wall of Foundry) contains a base. One base posesses an operable gate mechanism and light vehicles, while the other holds a mortor (trapped wraith). Players will find that the map has plenty of cirulation, motion, landmarks, points of defense etc. This map is compatible with all game variants, although slayer functions best. Weapons and Gameplay Valley Forge has: 2 snipers 1 laser 5 battle rifles 2 needlers 2 plasma rifles 4 plasma grenages 4 frag grenades 4 SMG's 1 gravity lift This map uses the idea of "greater risk, greater reward." Players will see this concept come into effect as they try to obtain power weapons. The Sniper rifles are placed in two very dangerous areas; one in a cave on ground level, the other on an exposed ledge. The Spartan laser is located in the very center of the map, the most open area, on the middle platform. Gaining control of these power weapons will have a definate effect in the tides of battle, but are they worth the risk? Also a key aspect of the map are Battle Rifles (as always!). Each hill is home to several Battle Rifles which enable long distance shootouts from each side of the map. The needlers are placed at ground level, and they will provide decent passage across the valley floor. Smaller weapons and duals are placed within the bases, perfect for the closer combat that takes place there. Overview of Valley1 (The middle platform) Overview of Valley2 (bases on left and right) Overview of Valley3 Overview of Valley4 Gate Base Gate Base (internal) Hill Base and Tunnel Hill Base Overview Hill Base (internal) Mortar Top Middle of Platform (laser spawns on top, gravity lift underneath) large cave with tunnels Top of Big Hill Big hill and Small Cave (sniper spawns in cave) The Ramp and Small Cave Bottom Middle (gravity lift spawn) Action Shots! The mortar can cover half of the Big Hill (watch out snipers!) Vorpal Saint refuses to grant Gunnergrunt access to the Sniper The Big Hill is heavily defended There's no safety on the valley floor Download Valley Forge
...First! This seems like a very good map. There will be posts below me saying: "This maps has too many open areas!" To a certain extent, i'd agree, but it seems you tested it enough for this to really be a decent vehicle-heavy map. I'll DL, and get back at ya. Good first post, btw!
Great Job Wow I really like this map, after playing it I'm glad i downloaded it. I like how the dumpsters spawn on the one base like doors its really cool, I couldn't figure out how to get to the turret on top of there though. If you keep going straight from that base across the middle part and up the steep bridges I noticed there was a hole in the floor that went to the bottom floor by the sniper I liked that little detail( or maybe you just messed up on the forging) because if you see somebody going for the sniper down there you can toss some nades through there. The power weapons are evenly spread out I thought. I like how there are 2 snipers because I found alot of advantages points to where both snipers could get to on there respective side. The wraith is also always a fun thing to put on maps and I like how you made it to where it could shoot out onto the top part. The tunnels that are located on the wraith side base are cool, I like how there is a indent under there to where you could walk in and get the smgs without blocking the tunnel. I was surprised that the floor on the wall that was made out of walls turned out so good because whenever I use alot of walls as floors like you did usually I mess up. The top part is really great. It is really smooth and it has a view of the whole map which is nice. The vehicles work nicely on this map since it is open in the middle parts I didnt find it hard to ride them around Excellent Job on this map hopefully I can get some full games on it. 5/5
well looks like a lot of fun to play but i would work on your asthetics. focuse on getting precise interlocks and invest in some geomerging. this will get rid of some of those unsighty bumps that just get in the way make your map less noticeable
Thanks! About the hole in the top of the Big Hill...I noticed that it formed while i was forging the top layer of the hill. I left it there because i liked the way i could throw grenades into the cave from above. And the map is fairly smooth (verified by Toofgib). Thanks for the comments!
This looks pretty good! You might already know this, but it is a little open. Maybe add like a unique structure or something in that one area. This is a great first post though. I rate it 4/5. Great job and I'll see if I have space on my hard drive so i can DL this.
You know this looks like it has the potential to be a really good map. The problem is those 2 giant empty spaces, along with a small range of height values. maybe if u made more platforms higher in the air supported by thin collums?
well at first i also thought WOW this is WAAAY too empty but then i actually looked and realized that its a vehicle map and it looks really good. that fence wall platform looks really cool and this is a simple yet very fitting name... wish i would have thought of that. i definately have to dl this after i get a new xbox... (stupid red ring...)
very nice map,I love the interlocking and merging.And i love how you put so many pictures,great post.It needs something a little more in the middle
Although this is forged well, I think it could use a v2. First off, it is very, very open. This map needs some movable scenery to hide behind in a BR fight or another scenario. Also, to me, it has no wow factor. There is nothing about it that makes me want to go and download this map right away. Go for a v2, IMO. Make it your own.
This looks like a very good map i especially liked the middle structure. The only downside is there is absolutely no cover in the bottom mid and the whole maps merging is pretty sloppy. I think you could make this map ridiculous if you did a V2, good job and keep it up.
This is very good for a first post. You actually used a weapons list, which is a plus. For future refrence though, put their respawn times and spareclips too. Now for the map, It seems like you have alot of potential with this map, but as others said, it is way too open. This really matters in a map, I mean if you get caught in the middle of that open area, your dead which also leaves you stuck to certain spots of the map. It seems if you are on foot, the whole game would be shooting eachother from across the map. I understand that you want it a little open area for vehicle use but thats too much. I dont know if you used the budget glitch or if you even know about it but it would be very helpful for this map and your future maps. I dont know though, you may have used all of your main pieces that you would use to add more structures, but it definiyly needs more. Keep up the work and maybe make a version 2 using the rest of the map and youll get better responses. Good job though for a first post.
Wow an impressing map for a first post. I think you did a great job with the idea of the map. Looks like you used a lot of different forging techniques. The only problem may be the lack of cover on the valley floor but looks like it makes for great gameplay. I like your mortar idea also. Definitely a DL.
I Downloaded the map, I walked through it, and everything is really smooth/Clean.Needs a little more cover around hill area.I would leave valley as is though.I will wait to play with teams before I rate but, from what I see this map should be getting Featured soon!Great Map.
looks like a sweet map with nice fusing and ideas; the bases are neately made as well as the big hill; the idea of keeping a wraith still as a weapon is old and often misused but i think u did a good job with it; the only thing i can see wrong with this map is that it could use some barriers or some cover in the middle but over all its a sweet map 4/5
Thanks for all the comments! It sounds like the main concern is the open areas. But worry not! Large trees have been planted and are in the process of growing. Valley Forge will soon offer the cover you desire (a v2 will be posted in one week -2/21)
This map is kind of plain but its well forged. I think you should use up more of the space Foundry has. Although i love that middle platform its really cool. But overall its well made but not enough territory.Overall 3.5/5
thanks for the feedback on this map! I used about every inch of Foundry, none of it is blocked off. But if you are saying that I should fill in the extra space in the middle, that would make sense. I've been toying around with some ideas for the empty areas. I'll be testing it out this week so feel free to join. If it turns out to be an upgrade from the v1, i'll have the v2 posted next weekend