OH ok, I never knew that. The next signatures I make I will remember to do that. What do you think of the sig though? What should I still try to improve?
I really like the style of that sig, I'm not sure why but I do. Instead of saying all the mumbo jumbo stuff I don't understand, I'll say, I like the colours =P and the simplicity. In my opinion, it's much better than your current sig. EDIT: I'm stumped on advice for this, I'm not a PS wizard so I'm not entirely sure what'd make it better. Get the pros in =D
Uh wow, I didnt think I would get a positive comeback on this sig lol thanks Is there room for improvements that I can still add so that my next signature I can work on it
Ya like Hazza said get some pros in this jizzle. Usually Diz has a comment in every sig thread(Except Mine lol) when I look through some replies. But not here! Could the Hadron Collider have killed him? O boi! Edit: Forgot about the sig!! OK I am not a huge fan of Avatar but it looks flat and just lacks wow factor. Add some effects around the sides maybe.
The .gif really killed this sig. The render looks grainy and the whole thing just looks bad ol' .gif quality. ;[
OK. Next time I decide to make a signature, I will try to remember to save it as a PNG. I never knew how to get the best quality out of pictures and for some reason since I knew that GIF is a large file I thought it would save in large quality. Thanks for the review though, I will work on depth in my next sig.