Hi, I've been playing Halo 3 for just over a year now but have only recently become interested in forging. Today I built my first ever proper map. I tried using merging and sinking but they kinda failed and look crooked. I joined forgehub to pick up some tips and check out some awesome maps.
Why hello there good sir. I'm Zander, and this is my house. Get out. Just kidding. Welcome to forgehub. If you plan on posting a map, here is a copy and pasting template for first timers. Map Posting Template - ForgeHub Halo Forums The rules are in the top bar of the site too.
WELCOME TO FH!!!!!! Seems Zanders got you set up, so all i have to say is good luck on those maps )))
Wow, I actually just met another Drummer Kid on a different forum... who banned be... Hope you're not him, and welcome!