Colonel. I got my highest skill to 42 before the new ranks came out. Haven't been able to get it up since. Keep getting Anvil
I'm a Commander Grade 3. I don't play ranked much at all, so I don't expect to get any higher than a Strike Commander.
Commander Grade 4 at the moment, but I'm liable to be a Grade 3 Colonel (be that a grade 2 General too) if I could be bothered to get get my skill up. Lately though, my brother has been playing, while I've been on other games. Once the Mythic Map Pack comes out, I'll be back on Halo for a bit =D
Brig 2, I got my 45 and stopped pushing for a higher rank lol. Its in team slayer, if anyone was curious.
Colonel Crade 2 Yep I have like 940 experience I think. I want to get Brigader but im too lazy to try.
I can do better than that though. I can beat most Commanders and some Colonels... Click for my awesome service Record!
Major grade 2 i have a skill of 32 in lone wolves trying to get skill in ts up oh and i usually average 13-25kills a game (lol im good)
4 star General, baby! Now I have to brag a little: - I have only owned and Xbox of any sort for one year. - Without ever playing H3 before (except maybe a couple of hours at a friends), I was able to rank up into the mid-forties before I got stuck at a rank long enough to get an extra grade when it is possible to get to the next rank up. - x Encounter x is the only account I have ever had. - I got my fifty by going in with randoms... I didn't get boosted by a friend. - My k/d ratio has been consistently rising for about the last six months or so. If you deleted all of my stats for the first six months of me having Halo, my k/d ratio would be WAY higher. How's that for legit (If you look at my stats, you will see that my win/loss ratio isn't amazing (it's not bad, though). The reason for this is because I play a ton of social team with my friends who are not so great at Halo. They are too much to carry)