**** Zombies v.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by skulltooth, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    I did it :D!

    I was reading a post and thought I should do it so I did. And here is the turn out. Specs below. I'm sorry the map looks so crappy, it's 1:00 A.M. and I'm tired and have to wake up early.


    1 Shotgun - Trench Gun(90 seconds re-spawn, starts at game although can't access until 60 seconds in.)
    1 Assault Rifle - K98 (30 seconds re-spawn, doesn't start at game)
    1 Carbine - M1 Carbine (45 seconds re-spawn, doesn't start at game)
    1 "Ray-Gun" (90 seconds in, doesn't start, must wait 60 seconds to access)
    1 MG Turret - Browning (90 seconds in , doesn't start, must wait 60 to access)
    1 Flamethrower - Flamethrower... (180 seconds in, doesn't start, must wait 60 to access.)
    1 Spiker - MG (30 Seconds, Starts at game, Must wait 60 seconds to access.)

    2 trucks outside with fusion coils surrounding them to explode.

    At each window, I put breakable pallets, roadblocks, breakable stuff etc. You'd have to get through that to get to the teleporters. There is also a teleporter near the spawns (or around, look :D) to take you across the map.

    HELP/HELL room (different location) (You have to wait 60 seconds to get there.)
    2 Staircases (just like in the game yet without so much entries in them) (you have to wait 60 seconds to get upstairs and into the hell room is where these take you.)
    Main Room (no roof :\ a couple of entries here.)

    There are custom powers that go to the zombies after 3 minutes. Then they speed up and get stronger. ALL Gravity is 200%. Damage is 90% for humans, 50% for Zombies, and 75% for Alpha Zombie (who is black).
    The humans are Blue or their regular color (not sure). Zombies go really slow the first 3 minutes. Each round is 20 Minutes long, 10 rounds ("waves"). Really the waves are them re-spawning. You get 5 lives (I'm probably changing it.)

    Screen Shots of the map (its hideous D:)

    Zombie Spawn 1 Area
    Main Building

    Hope you enjoy :D (you probably won't D:)!

    **** Zombies V.1 Map

    **** Zombies Variant

    idea based by: Camel Carcass



    I hope to get more Zombie cover,
    Better Random Box since it's not random truly,
    I already like my ways of getting in,
    More Geomerging,
    New areas (new rooms, death sentences, etc.),
    Bigger Map,
    and moving from one house to the other,
    I might do it on Standoff.

    I forgot to mention a few things,
    No interlocking or geomerging.
    Zombies go REALLY freaking slow and they're vulnerable but I tried to make it a little bit tough. Most if not ALL Zombies start at the Barred Fence area or at the Main Room area, which they can't even access the upstairs until 60 seconds in either. There is only ONE access into the stairs (excluded main room and help room stairs) that the zombies use.
    Oh, and if Zombies get too hard, lower their damage to 25%, 50% for Alpha, and No Shields (I think I should've put that there in the first place...)
    #1 skulltooth, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2009
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    more pictures please what i can see pretty messy you need more of a description, the fortress looks nice from the out side but i would thing it would need interlocking, i would like to see more pictures in the fortress. the weapons are a problem as well most of the weapons can not be colected in the game because they dont spwarn when the game starts this mens zombies could wipe out the humans before you can get the weapons.

    what i can see this could turn out to be a great map it just needs to be reconfegered


    Edit: also why are u posting a map at 1 am in the moring jezz your an owl if u can stay up that late, take your time to make maps
    #2 Combat P3nguin, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  3. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    good job on being the first **** zombie map maker and i think you should block off the sides of foundry and aswell as that you should put a few zombie spawns so that you defo carnt camp

    anyway good job and i would like to help you with a v2
  4. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Hey man, I'm glad to see somebody actuall finally make one of these. but it needs interlocking badly because it would have better aesthetics and gameplay. If you don't know how,then I will add you and teach you you how.

    JASONYO Ancient
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    haha. i love the name, did u c that video on failblog? looks like a good layout for some zombie action. but usually u have a main weapon for the humans so they don't have to pic them up. i can c y u did the flame thrower, but not the others.

    and hey,darkdemon, ur sig looks a little familiar, hence mine. take it off
  6. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I would give you some pointers, but I want no one taking my ideas while I make my version of **** Zombies. I like the fact that you attempted this, but I honestly don't even see the major resemblance to the actual map... =/ Maybe you should do this on standoff. Actually you could divide up the humans in between the two buildings on standoff and have them hold out that way. Sorta like a dual **** Zombies map (or something).

    Honestly, it needs improvement, 2/5.

    MAP MAKER Ancient
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    Completely agree on this i think you shouldnt have to rush this as once you have done it perfectly you wont need to do any more work, i need to see picture inside the rooms becasue of asthetics and game play its going to make a big difference ... it looks scrappy and you should never ever use shield walls cuz they make the maps look about 200 years in the future and can make a map look poor.

    Sorry mate but it just isnt good enough
  8. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    Thanks for all the CC.
    The Humans start with the Magnum, just like in the real game.
    I tried to make it look like the real **** Zombies but due to my limitations, aka SLEEP, I couldn't interlock or geomerge anything at that time. I hope to in V2 though.
    And reason why I didn't give screen shots of the inside is it could be a spoiler ;). I'm trying to make it like the real game, you have no clue where things are, unless you've played it before that is. One thing I didn't like was the fact that I couldn't get the gravity to go any higher so they can still jump, just very low. And the humans DO have a chance. I made it that way so the zombies have little damage and humans can assassinate them while they're coming in. I'll give more screenshots later.
    The reason I didn't block off the sides was that there is a zombie spawn there... but you don't see that. :\.
    Master, I said I might be doing a V2 on Standoff, the only thing I don't like is that they can open that door so the zombies get in :(. I would make that a room either way though.
    Also, to everyone, thanks for actually considering it. I didn't expect you guys to go like, "OMGWTFBBQ TEH B3ST M4P EVA!! !5//5/5/5/!!!1!11ONE!"
    I expected your responses so I'm not surprised. I don't even like how it looks cause it's hideous.
    Either way, It took me a while so I think you guys might enjoy it :).
    Have fun!
  9. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    Personally i think the best map to make this is on Ghost Town because it has the broken building look, there are pallets, wooden planks and wooden doors making for a good athestetic look as well as good gameplay
    (I think the building where the sniper spawns would be a good main room)
  10. Insane117

    Insane117 Ancient
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  11. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    **** Zombies V.1

    Without gameplay yet, I can't really judge this, but the post looks very good. If you could, maybe some more screenshots would how the map off a bit more, but i'm going to download and play within the next week (on account of it being valentines day, and i'm getting some/ staying over my girlfreind's) I'll edit when i've played. Thanks for credit; good job.
  12. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    This map could be good, but all I can see from the pics is some walls with a few boxes on top. Post some pictures of the inside and some gameplay (have you tested this map yet?), and then we'll be able to judge this map better. Also, can we get a look at how your 'random' box works? I'm intrigued by it...
  13. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    The random box isn't random at all. It's just weapons on holders D:. Due to limitations, I couldn't make a random box. I've tested the map with a couple of friends. The basic design of the map is TERRIBLE! But it proves to be fun gameplay. I've edited the Game play and map a little bit to fix bugs. I'm working on a new one at the moment so I hope you'll enjoy for the time being. I hope to make a **** zombie series of maps. A lot will be on foundry but I've been expanding to new places such as Standoff and Ghost Town. I think i might make one on Ghost Town because of the video effects and buildings to give it a sort of **** zombies look as someone said.
    Thanks for all the CC.

    I know how to Interlock and Geomerge, I just was really tired and lazy when I made the map itself.

    And you might be saying it looks nothing like the actual house on **** Zombies, I tried my best. Unfortunately, I was limited on what I could do. Here are some VERY common bugs and glitches and i really hope you don't exploit them:

    On the 2nd stair case from the main room, you can jump onto the house.
    Before the 1st stair case spawns, you can go there and be trapped. One you move though, you'll be forced out into the outside of the map, which is the best place you can be, or into a little crack that you can't get out of. So if you're a Zombie and that happens, tough luck. I've been fixing these so far. Please post any you encounter though.

  14. A Pixel Assasin

    A Pixel Assasin Ancient
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    Nice, map. It's great, except for the fact that it's incredibly tedious and boring. You had a good idea and such, but it just didn't turn out good. I had played a **** Zombies map before, and it was okay, but not perfect. Though this would be better, and more like CoD.... But w/e, the maps good, but the game... Altogether 2/5

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