I'm glad the question is 'Who is the best player on the MLG circuit' as there are very impressive players scattered all over the world, players that could surpass MLG's best. Half the people around the world don't get a chance to show their skills as they don't live in America, end story. Best in MLG; Roy. He has the best BR too.
Best palyer on the Circuit in my opinion is 1.WTF ITz SicK <-----Pro =D jk lol 2.SnipeDown 3.Elamite Warrior 4.Hysteria 5.Roy
1. Snipedown - that boy is INSANE and would definitely have to be #1 2. OGRE 2 - just sick, but I personally don't think that much of OGRE 1 3. Hysteria - great at everything
I think Snipedown is the best. The rate at which he has improved is immense. I see him carrying almost every game.
you are wrong. MlG IS THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF COMPETITIVE HALO. in "the world cyber games tournament" the team that one got 13th at MLG toronto. 13th. so 1-12 are better than the best team at that tournament. the top 8 MLG teams, are the top 8 teams in the world. they dont play it in japan, and they arent as good in europe. those are the only 3 places where video games are played competitively. I also think legit is the best all around player.
Idk if I've posted in this thread yet, but I'd say Elamite is the best. Good at slayer, support, objective, or whatever he has to do.
hysteria is a flawless player. he out snipes brs and objectives anyone. hands down best halo player of all time
not that consistent of late, but StrongSide has always been my favorite. Even from back in the H2 days he always caught me eye with his style of play. I used to mimic it when I played and watch his VoD's closely so i could copy. ha
I would say Snipedown or Roy. Roy recently one the '08 MLG MVP. I would choose Roy over Snipedown because Roy is on my favorite team (Instinct). Snipedown's sniping is ridiculous, though. That kid has some skills with that weapon.
Tsquared because he helped me with guardian jumping tips he did a video of and he's a nice guy so i say tsquered.
In terms of slaying, Neighbor and Legit are at the top of my list. For objective, Elamite is undoubtedly the best. Flamesword has potential, though. I'm looking forward to seeing what he does this year.