Higher Ranking Members I will be locking this thread because I was mad at a journalist when I made it.I apoligize for creating this thread. I seriously think that a lot of the higher ranking members just don't care about the lower ranks of this site.Don't take this bad anyway and get mad over this thread.I am merely just stating my opinion in this thread.Don't get me wrong,I like a lot of higher ranks but a lot of them honestly don't care about the lower members and don't care about the quality of the site anymore.I am not going to mention any names but i seriously think that the Moderators shouls look into this and maybe even demote some of the higher ranks that are not doing their job because their taking advantage of their power on forgehub.They need to find new higher rankings to take their places and make sure that they do their job.And in no way is this me trying to become a higher ranking so don't assume that and post it on here,i just want the site to be in better hands but all the mods are doing a great job but please look into the other higher rankings because they are not doing their job
you have no idea what happens behind the scenes apparently they work so hard to keep this site running smoothly and this is basically like a job and they dont have time to make sure that every member is cared for or talked to. And when they arent doing this they are spending time in their real lives so if you think they dont care about you because they dont say hi to you everyday well your wrong they care about you by making this site enjoyable and fun.
This site is getting to be not fun because a lot of them are smart ellics and are just hatefull to everybody that sais one wrong word to them.so stop acting like you know everything when you dont
Fix'd Anyway I'm not sure you know what you're talking about. I'm assuming you are talking about members with higher post counts. Saying that they need to be demoted is impossible, they don't have any more power than you. If you arn't talking about normal members then you are being even more ridiculous. Moderators are watching threads and locking pointless ones. Journalists are writing what they need to write. Guardians are moderating the threads perfectly fine aswell. If members with higher posts counts seem to not care about you, its because they don't know you. Most of the higher members know other higher members, and ditto with the lower members. As you get more well known, people will respect your opinion more. The other side of this is, if you are a terrible member and you spam, insult others, and act childish they will respect you less and your opinion will be worth even less. Also starting threads like this doesn't help, and posting with bad grammar and in different colours makes it even worse. All the best, and I hope you fix the problems you're having.
thats how you act and in your post you say they dont do their job well their job is not to talk and defend the new members and this is not one wrong word this is a lot of wrong words so you need to stop thinking that everyone is out to get you because there not
Im not saying anyone is out to get me,its just that everthing I do on here,people put me down no matter what it is.I just try to help out on here and their is not much that i can do because i am not a coloered name member but i try to do all i can like start competitions and everything but every time i do somtething,i get put down by not just lower ranks but higher ranks as well and that is why im kind of mad right now
In my opinion good competitions are only made by people who know what they are doing. By the way posting in other colors, large text, and having bad grammar in a thread that you start isn't a good way to start off a thread.
what competitions? I bet they said this is already done. and if so thats because most competions have been done and are being done by some else and they dont want more of them and competions should be suggested and then if people think they are a good idea you then do it
Eh, I agree. Mods are Corrupt, and then there is Nitrous in Admin... Nah, I'm kidding. The staff do a wonderful job at what they are supposed to do. Mods are scavenging the forums, helping the people who need it and banning the people who are idiot rule breaking douches. The Journalists are doing their job as well, a map is featured at least once a week, and the Guardians are doing an excellent job keeping the maps section clear of spam. If talking about normal members, who gives a **** what they care? If they're a douche, just don't talk to them. Simple. They have no more power over you, other than their e-*****.
The staff members are always busy trying to maintain and improve the website. You may not see all of the behind the scenes work (nor do I), but I'm well aware of the time and effort they put into the site. There was a recent effort to become more involved in the site, and I think its beginning to show. So just know that if there is a problem, the staff are always trying to do their best to fix them. Conversely, there will always be people who regard themselves better than others, regardless of color or rank. Ignore the jerks, and enjoy all the positive members here.
What exactly do you mean by higher ups? Premiums and Loyals? Staff and mods? or both? cuz the Prems and Loyals dont really have any power they just sit there giva advice and look pretty. Most of the mods and admins do their jobs really well. and as for Respected, i barely see them on except for Urk, and sometimes Shishka and NOKYARD. i really dont know what your complaining about, FH is absolutly fine, besides many spammers, and the mods take care of that very well
sorry if i came off as a jerk i just hate it when people who only have been part of the site for like a month start complaining about the site before they even understand what it is actually about
get to know the staff and alot of members. People are nice once you get past the colors and avatars. Members just don't get what ForgeHub is about, and thats the main thing.
While I see where you are coming from, I have to disagree what you are saying. It would be nice if we had an idea of who you were talking about. Maybe not a name, but a specific rank or something. The admins and tech guys are always working on additions. And trust me, the moderators are always helpful and I see a lot of people who are kind to new members.
You just have to be a good member and not start ****. If you talk back to a "Officer"/staff member then your screwed in most cases. More mods will come, its just a matter of time, dont worry and dont complain. Also, avoid writing in white, its annoying for those of us who use oldschool... EDIT: Modz r curpt, ban al thm
Ask a corrupt mod. Shadow is online Disclaimer: This in no way states Shadow is corrupt, I just picked a mod's name out of who is online and placed it there.