Yeah it's the same however at Christmas time there was a discount on all steam games, l4d was 39$ and i grabbed bioshock for 5$
Usrs? Thats an awesome deal. I think I'm going to buy this game for PC. Just a question though: can you use sprays like you can in all other pc Steam games?
Survival Mode is just what yo would think it would be. You and 3 other people simply, survive. Yup. You pick from a couple of maps, and just try to live as long as yo can. Source: - Gametrailers TV with Geoff Keighley
I knew it was going to be free a while ago when i read an article about Valve fighting Micro for it to be free. I knew they would win. This is awesome.
Yeah, VALVe almost always wants to release DLC for free, but Microsoft usually won't let them. Just got lucky, I guess.
They better fix the old glitches like the stairs and the ****ing elevator before they update anything else. Nothing is more ****ing irritating then opening the elevator door and seeing nothing but a big yellow ****ing box.
I'm not sure why it's taking so long for them to put the update up. PC already got theirs a while back.
I know that, especially since Microsoft has to approve it, but I think it's been like nearly a month now.
So is this free or no? because from the comments I've read it looks like it is but however you can't complain about it if it's free because Valve are a great company.
Its going to be free now? Thats awesome, I would have bought it but I'm glad I don't have to. I wish bungie would release all there DLC's for free first thing lol.
Yeah this might make it seem worth full price to me. Before there just wasn't enough for me to put down $60. I'm glad VALVe is reasonable and releasing them for free i hate DLC that has stuff that should have been (and probably was until they realized they could make more money) in the game when it shipped.