World Tournament Created by TyRant Hacker & Ryan101Gamer Players gather here from around the World for the Ultimate Tournament. 16 players. Forged by TyRant Hacker and Ryan101Gamer. Story: World Tournament is a remake of a previous Tournament map that was badly forged on foundry. This version is now unbreakable and aesthetically pleasing. The can be played with a slayer gametype or king of the hill. I have created a gametype to use, and the name is "Eiminate". This map also is capable to hold up to 16 players! I will be releasing a version for 8 players soon. Supported Gametypes: Slayer King of the Hill Custom Gametype(s) Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Map Overview B Side Overview A Side Overview Download World Tournament Download Eiminate
guy above me, did your really have to quote his whole post?? looks very good, clean merging, and neat layout, could use a bit more cover for the bottom parts though, the line-of-sights from the top look a wee bit overpowering. overall good map
wait really? do u have any idea wut u r saying. the winner goes to the top. like a tourney bracket. read the post. u dont understand the map through osmosis and about the map. much better than the other one. it really presents itself much better because of the interlocking and added cover shtuff. nice job
Played this with you a bunch of times, and although 1 on 1 isn't really my favorite thing, this map makes it alright. A few problems though: The gravlifts that spawn to get you over the wall allow you to shoot at the guys thats on the other side of the double box wall. I suggest instead of going over the wall, you make a switch to go through. At the top, it was still possible to snipe the other person, before you could reach the top, if you were both jumping And you were also able to melee through some of the shield doors
I love your interlocked wall separating the normal area from the back area. You have merged these perfectly and Smoothly. Now the maps geometry is also very smooth. Those bridge ramps are literally perfect. I have loved the previous tournament maps and by this map it looks like it could only be an improvement so I will just go ahead and say impressive job!!!!!
Best 1v1 tourney map I have ever seen, it's about time you posted another map. I really love this because there are more sections to play and it really is aesthetically pleasing. It also has enough cover. You could have included pics to show the objects as the time passes and also some action pics. Sadface.
One of the best 1v1 tourney maps I have seen. I think this map is great because theres alot more sections to play in and the map its self is very good looking. Its got nice amounts of cover and an impressive layout
This is one of the better tournament maps I've played, one problem I've seen while playing this is that the winner of the 2nd round can grav lift up and shoot the player on the other side before the ramp spawns. Also when I was testing this with you the grav lifts and ramps were spawning too quickly but I think I heard you mention fixing this.
I saw the first version of this map, and let me just say it was terrible compared to this! I think this looks pretty fun. Can you grenade jump up in spots? I guess I'll have to try this out!
i dont know what to say... haha great job on the interlocking and i really like the semmetricalness and how smooth everything is, also all the section and tall walls kinda block other areas unless u climb up the stairs.. its close quaters battle but its really accually big nice job 5/5 for a touny map 1v1
Sorry guys but I have a noob question. What does it mean to be a "tournament" map? Message me if you could. As far as the map goes, it looks really good, but I haven't downloaded it yet so I don't really know how it plays.
There are a few spots in this map I dont like but overall I thnk its okay. Overall asthetically Id give it a 4/5 judging off the screenshots, But there might be some things I missed.Anyways, ill probably download this, but not give a good review.
Wow this is the best tournament map ever. I am going to download this and put it on my file share and recommend it to all of my friends. 10/10 Way better than the original.