well im new here so i hope this is the right place ...well here goes nothing My soccer map is pretty simple as im learning to forge better. most people know how to play soccer (football). hit the ball in the goal lol halo style. you fight to get the ball in the goal any way you can if you make it the ball will fall under the field. After a few seconds it will be launched out in the middle(still perfecting it). the bounders are well defined if the ball gets out you can push it in to the return (on the side its on) or use the man cannon(one the opposite side). Download the map http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18201470 screens: Field view [img width=800 height=600]http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u128/xpri2/25077554-Full.jpg[/img] goal! [img width=800 height=600]http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u128/xpri2/25077528-Full.jpg[/img] Ball return! [img width=800 height=600]http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u128/xpri2/25077614-Full.jpg[/img] any tips or help is much appreciated
u should use interlocking http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?page=109 so u have a smoothe floor and this should be in the minigames forum so ask a moderator to move it
looks like a nice map, but there have been several soccer maps before this, ones like fifa stadium 3 also eliminate honor rules.
Few things. This isn't the first soccer map. Originality, please. Wrong forum. It's minigames. Honor rules tend to make games unenjoyable. \SSSSSS/ \ / \ / \ RS/ Key S=Sender Node RS=Receiver Node on top of sender node \ /=Banked walls as ramp The ball will roll down the ramp when it goes in the goal, and block the receiver node. This will allow the player, or one of their teammates to pass through a sender node on the same channel as the bottom receiver node without teleportation. Behind the teleportation barrier could be a flag, gaining one point for the team and ending the round. Failsafes; If someone tried to pass through the teleporter to the flag before the ball was in the goal, they would teleport to the receiver, and immediately teleport through the sender node on top of it (the receiver would be in the middle of the field) If someone fell in the goal then they would also be teleported to the center. So make two goals like the diagram indicates, make sure the teleporters align with the side, and it'll be much better.
That is a good idea, but doing that would make it a lot like the minigame momentum. Soccer maps have been way overdone, so I reccomend just not making one.