Here are two new screenshots, tell me what you think of them, rate and download your favorite if you have one. Perfect: Shine: ENJOY!
There nice but if you had different armor on the 2nd pic and all that light on the right side could somehow be on the left side, then this would be a 5/5 screenshot. But its a 4/5 for me
I think there both cool but you should get a different angle on the first. I like the second pic better btw how did you make that efeect in the background I'm guessing a spike
It's not a spike, I'm sure of that. It's probably the second a rocket blows up or a missle from a missle pod.
I like them with the exception of the plasma rifle on the side. It takes away from the gold aspect of the screenshot. Take that out and it would look sick.
wow how do people do these kinds of shots? i can do the simple ones like in my thread but. dang these are nice.