Hot Spots

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Catmon, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    Cold Feet on Hot Spots
    Created by DeathToll77, Catmon, and Idiotninja
    Map: Hot Spots
    GameType: Cold Feet
    Title pic by Catmon​

    The team that created Pennnyless has brought Catmon on board to bring you the latest innovative minigame, Hot Spots!

    Do you freeze up when faced with this daunting game, or are you puzzled in the use of this powerful alien weapon?
    Don't Panic! Just follow our simple tips and you'll be blasting enemies around with girlishly pink needles like a pro in no time!*

    Hottest spot north of Havana.

    How to play:

    The object of the game is to gain points by knocking enemies out of the hill to be killed by your BR guy (1 point), and controlling the hill and gaining uncontested points (2 points per person in the hill per second in the hill).

    The hill moves every 15 seconds, and will take on many shapes and sizes, each hill with it's own quirks and strategies to controll.

    Green players are in the hill and are invincible untill they exit it. Both teams appear green.
    White players have just spawned and have invincibility for a short time.
    this allows them to run from their spawn point to the next hill without being killed.
    Yellow players are vulnerable to BR headshots, and can extremely rarely be killed by needles (2000% damage resistance).

    In short: Just keep firing your bloody needler until the other team ends up outside of the hill!


    • Stay in the hills as much as possible.
    • Spread your entire team out in large hills, there will be a larger chance the next hill will spawn around a teammate.
      You can rack up some major uncontested points! (2 points per person per second)
    • Call out to your BR guy where the enemy is able to be killed. For example: "To your right!"
    • If you're the BR guy be sure to occasionally check all sides of your box.

    • Pay attention to the hill movement (both sides). If you are caught outside of the hill, the BR guy can get easy kills off of you.
    • This goes for him too, pay attention to those who don't pay attention!
    • Don't stop shooting! You have unlimited ammo and you can't betray your team, unload on them!
    • If you're the BR guy, don't use your needler. You are only helping the other team by doing so.
    • Don't shoot the enemy BR guy, you gain nothing and you expose yourself and your team to attack while you are distracted.
    • Don't jump in the hill where you're not required to jump. Only jump in the hill when you have to jump to survive the deadly jump hill.
    • Needlers are not intended for use by anyone under 19; or really, anyone period. Cold Feet at your own risk.
    Silently waiting for unfortunate enemies to be knocked out of the hill...​

    Geek Speak (Thanks, DeathToll!)

    Non-BR traits (In the hill)

    • Invulnerable.
    • Primary Weapon-Needler
    • Movement speed-75%
    • Gravity-Unchanged
    • Motion Tracker-Off
    • Color-Green.
    • Damage Modifier-0%
    • Ammo-Infinite

    Non-BR traits (Outside of hill)

    • Color-Gold
    • Damage Resistance-2000%
    • Shield Multiplier-No Shields

    BR Guy

    • Color-Black
    • Active Camo-Good
    • Damage-100%
    • Ammo-Infinite
    • Weapon Pickup-Enabled
    • Gravity-150%
    • Speed-100%
    Fill your enemies up with needles to knock them out of the hill for your BR guy.
    The you-set-'em-up-I'll-knock-'em-down style of Hot Spots.​

    Green players are momentarily safe in the hill, yellow players are prone to headshots.​

    There are many different hill shapes that spawn randomly every 15 seconds.​

    Racing to hold the tunnel of death.​

    DeathToll handing out some purple punishment before he goes. ​

    For a few precious seconds after respawning, players are invincible. This gives them time to run to the current hill without being fed BR bullets. Mmm... bullets...​

    One of the most difficult hills to get to, the side rectangles can hinder or help a team.
    Follow the tips, spread out in big hills, and you'll have a better chance of owning this baby.​

    Two teams caught out in the open suddenly find themselves in a marathon to get to the hill (on the left),
    before their enemy's BR guy gets them.​

    Enter: The low hill. Don't get knocked up!​

    This the jump hill, a new development in our Screw You Over technology.
    You'll have to jump up into the hill to contest or controll it, and also to keep those battle rifle rounds out of your brains.​

    Red team is getting some major uncontested points. Go team!​

    The hill is constantly changing shape, you have to stay flexible if you want those uncontested points.​

    Two teams fighting bitterly to controll the thin hill up front. DeathTip: Keep running forward!​

    Finish him! The battle rifle guy headshots enemies knocked out of the hill.​

    The BR box is inescapable. The man cannons are to keep pesky enemies who think they can beat the system away from the BR guy.​

    Thank you for reading this far. Here is the download link again for your convenience:​

    Map: Hot Spots
    GameType: Cold Feet

    These are the people that made the map what it is. (In no specific order.)

    • Vorpal Saint: Suggestions/Testing/Actual Name for the map/gametype
    • Vicious Vice: Name help/Testing/Suggestions
    • Phreakie: For bringing in a massive test party and helping with the BR boxes (They were moved back down, sorry guy.)
    • Conkerkid: Last minute testing
    • Sotha Sil: Testing
    • Tyrant Hacker: Testing
    • Ell3ment: Testing
    • C0N741N3D: Testing
    • iZumi: Suggestions
    • Spartan7371: Testing & man cannon idea
    • Black Theorem: Testing
    • FriGiDD: Testing
    • Kilr0n: Testing
    • What's A Scope?: Testing
    • Speed-e-cake: Testing

    *Professional abilities not gauranteed, or proven to be gained from reading this article.
    #1 Catmon, Feb 11, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  2. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    This was really fun to play (I was part of Phreakies massive grimace-transition to your map-party) I enjoyed being the BR guy, but it was also fun just to try and get to the hills. I had a few problems, one being lag cause In the game that I played we had like 14 people. Umm, for a minigame this was great fun, and I had quite a time with another party afterwards, for bout 3 games.
    Good job, hope you guys keep realeasing maps 4/5
  3. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    I got into a few different days of testing and actually enjoyed playing. It's way more fun being the BR guy but everyone has there part in each round. Overall though I'd say it's gonna be on the hot list for fun games at least for a few weeks. 8.5/10
  4. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    looks good

    your map (from what I've seen) is a new vision for KOTH, reminds me of my reverse CTF idea...anyways, this looks like it should preforn well in game, i would DL but I have to many maps as it is...Curse that 100 custom limit... But looks really fun, if you ever decide to play this, invite me to play with ya, my Gamertag is Crushric, maybe by then, i'll have fixed the problem with bungies slingshot defence system..., anyways, 10 out of 10 from me.
  5. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Is this the epic win sauce map deathto77 was talking about. I love mini-games and the best ones are the simple ones. Players in a perfectly square arena with a wall of fence boxes surrounding them firing at their enemies on the other side is simple. Incorporating what some consider to be a noob weapon into a fun mini-game was creative also.

    Just when I am about to have to talk about how unoriginal this map is you change it up a little bit. The window panel boxes are cool and remind everyone of fast paced intense conquest maps. Also to note on the good side is that it is just you, your opponents, and the needler. There is no cover. What ever happens happens fast and it will be intense.

    However, this map does have a couple bad points. Firstly, Even though you have tried to mix gameplay up with needlers and the BR man but you have to admit it is not the most original of maps. Also you have decided to place your BR box on eye level and because you could be able to jump through the windows it has force you to place man cannons. You should place the boxes in the back up a little higher. There really are no major downsides to this map but these are just a few suggestions. I hope you all enjoy your premium seeing as this has the same effect as pennyless.

  6. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    This game was awsomely fun, and original. I love the idea, and I'm glad you changed the BR guy place, it was kinda hard. Lol, you did a lot of tests on it, it was fun though. I DL ed it, so good job, A+++ 10/10. lol
  7. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    The man-cannons are not used to block and escape route, they are used to keep other players away from him. And I guarantee you that he cannot jump through the window pannel. Please either read or play the game next time
  8. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    So this is what you were going for... not exactly what I thought it was going to be. It is much much better than I thought it would be.
    It is a very original idea, I have never seen anything like this, or thought of something like this. The different territories vary in all lengths, sizes, heights, angles, and shapes, that is brilliant! Amazingly thought up, and executed. I want to play some games on this, send me an invite when you play it. 5/5

    One question. Can the person in the window panels be assassinated? I have done something sort of like this, and the person could be assassinated. It may not be a problem, but it has been for me in the past. If it is a problem, then just move the box up a little bit, which will give the BR guy some elevation as well.
  9. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    We moved the box from up to down to up to back down again. He cannot get assassinated due to the cannons. The current location has the best vision. Period.
  10. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Hey that was a very good map,Great gameplay and reallly good aesthetics like interlocking.You need more pictures of just the map and not just of the people playing on need to have pics of just the walls and the center walls so it shows people the features of the map.But great map
  11. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Great map Deathtoll, Catmon, and Idiotninja! Although I only played the first version, and then this version. I am very glad you guys have released it, your Feature NAO! worthy map that you had been bragging about for awhile now is finaly released, and might I add that yes. This map does look very featureable.

    Although I rather sucked at the game, I still had a fun time! This reminds me so much of Pennyless not because of the needlers but because it takes time to get good at it. There are some Mini Games that you already know the basics to, and get good at really fast. But this map is much different!

    And you know I had to do this... I R IN SOME OF TEH PIXTURES! YAAAY!

    The map would have been great enough with just one hill like most maps would have done, but you guys decided to make it interesting by moving the hills! My favorite hill has to be the one that you have to jump to reach, because when the hill switched to that one I had no clue where the hill was!

    6/5 because it is pure awesomeness, and I hope to be seeing some new Premiums here!
  12. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    very original, very fun, and very fast pased, I LOVE IT!!!1!!lol!!
    you really took the classic 2 sided minigame and added a new twist, brilliant! idk what forgegod is flaming about but it seems like its more creative to reinvent something well than to create a new and not-so-good idea. the post for this is really informative as well; so many people these days overlook the posting aspect of forgehub.
  13. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Not bad Catmon & Deathtoll...not bad...

    I tested in some of the earliest versions (back when the BR Box was above each team) and when we suggested the moving hill to Deathtoll.

    The map seems to have come a long way since then, and I like how the BR boxes were moved to accommodate the moving hill.

    I am currently unable to download, but I will download it as soon as possible.

    Until rating.
  14. iTz HLG nOob

    iTz HLG nOob Ancient
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    nice map, good thinking
  15. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    I played an early version of this not too long ago, very interesting combining the two gametypes. It's some good mindless fun and I would definately recommend anyone give it a try. Now that things are more refined I'll have to give it another shot. One problem I could see though is it can get very easy for the 'br guy' to wipe once the in the air hill comes up.
    #15 Morphine, Feb 12, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009
  16. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Hello buddy(ies). I have to say that this game is incredibly cool. Great post too. It's very purple. I couldn't find which guy gave you one star though. This game is great, even in the almost as recent as the final version version. I love that the team gets penalized for not being in the hill by getting killed, even more so than letting the other team get points. The jump hill was a brilliant addition, though I still believe that my diagonal one should be .5-1.0 wider (It's really thin). This is great fun, and a top-drawer map to go with it, very well forged and inescapable. The br box could have been something more original than window panels (ie geomerged corner wall with a sideways wall capping it off), though they should work rather well now with the man cannons. I like the tunnel hill too, that's new. The game is mad-mindless fun for the whole family!
  17. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    How could you forget me? LOL. Glad to see you guys posted this. I had a blast playing on it. Trust me guys, this is worth your download.

    I see you changed the BR place and made him have camo. Nice. I really love the idea seeing as you mixed Purple Bunkers and KOTH to make such a fun game. Both the needler guys and the BR guy , no matter who you are, is fun to be. Teamwork is really the key to victory in this map. FEECHURE NAO. LOL.

    EDIT: map's name on one of your pics?
    #17 RaBBiiTTT, Feb 12, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009
  18. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    We did make it thicker. Check the map if you think it should be made even more thick buddy! Hope you have fun on it.
  19. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    It seems like a sick combination of Purple Bunker with Teamwerks Arena.

    Excellent use of Forge Techniques, although I must saw the center Fence Wall is fairly bland.
  20. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I remember testing this last week, good thing you put the mancannons there. The enemies would assassinate me when I turn to BR across diagonal hill.

    But this was one helluva map. Definitely DL. 9.5/10

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