Why don't we make tobacco products illegal? The industry makes millions, billions of money, they "donate" some of it to state for funding like schools and other government programs. Why do they make so much? Tobacco has been around for ages. It has been one of the most valuable crops since the English had colonized North America. Tobacco is highly addictive due to the nicotine it has in it. If you decide to try one cigarette, chances are you'll get addicted and want to buy more,more, more. Causing it to be an easy profit. Quiting has proven to be no easy task, often requiring aid in one form or another. ( Rehab, patches, gum etc.). You see, if tobacco was illegal, it would cause a major buisness to crash, heavily effecting the economy. Honestly, you get no buzz, high from tobacco at all. All it does is mess up your respitory system for nothing. Imagine if pot wasn't illegal. crimes for pot related instances would dramaticly drop. This could result in less violent crimes with drug dealing. BRB, amsterdam.
Thanks for not helping. At all. You guys are disappointing me...I think I'll just work on this solo if this persists.
lol, are your surprised with your disappointing responses? The general populace will see marijuana and go nuts.
Yes, I actually am disappointed. This is in General Chat, I thought by now people knew a few things about posting here on forgehub...Such as if you post in General Chat, that your posts should consist of reasoned responses, that of which pertain to the ****ing (fo emfasis nigga) topic at hand.
1 character remaining. Thoughts? Edit: This 500 character thing is killing me, cause I can't explain myself thoroughly >:|
Damn. There's a small possibility he could change his mind down the line, but that seems pretty clear cut to me. I don't think what you wrote is enough to make even me believe it should be decriminalized (I understand that you're hampered). You should focus it more on how it could benefit our country via more taxable products and the potential medical benefits. The problem with this whole thing is that there is a major hurdle to overcome; pharmaceutical companies. They are a huge lobby, and having a substance become suddenly legal that would effectively negate a quarter or more of their money-making products is something they'd do anything to prevent.
Definitely mention the possible tax profits. Oh and one of the most physically fit men in the world was recently caught taking a hit from a bong. That's not the most persuasive evidence, but Phelps obviously takes care of himself and so it suggests that marijuana isn't as harmful as the suburban cops and teachers like to say it is.
personally, I hink you are wrong on this one. Making it legal would just make more people do it. They would start doing it on the streets right in front of everybody and in restraunts and everywhere. That would kind of suck if you think about it.
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL seriously ****ing lol. I shall not even dignify that post with any response other then this.
He's from Kentucky... give him some credit for being able to put a sentence together. And to reply to his 11 year olds point; It would probably be controlled more then cigarettes bud.