Ive heard rumours going around about a possible Halo 4. My first immpressions is that it was lies and should not be listened to. However, thinking about it, there is alot that Bungie can do with the storyline from here i.e Covenant civil war on Shangelios or the possible Ghosts of Onyx book coming into the story line. A few of my Dark Side mates - PS3 players for those who dont understand, have said that the next in series would exclusivly be only coming out for Sony since the break up from Bungie and Microsoft which, if true, would convert a fair percentage of Xbox fans overnight. If anyone has any comments about this and make statements please try to back them up with facts or weblinks on the fluff. And DONT use Youtube as a resource- its all bull. If this comment has come up before then sorry, but I was a little concerned when one of my ex-Xbox players made a statement on his account sayin- Good bye, im off to PS3 where their getting Halo 4 in the fall of 2010 or summit
well, if u beat the game on legendary, then u could watch the end all the way. this is how it really ends. cortana is going to wake up chief again when there is another conflict because hes in a cryptonic sleep. then it is seen that they r on onyx because they r floating right to it or past it , i dont no.
its not so much the ending that im concerned about- although the onyx idea would be a nice thought but that planet made of sentinels got destroyed didnt it? - anyhoo, its the halo 4 going onto ps3 that this post is more about
noo bloii. next halo is going to be on the xbox, one reason. Xbox Live. playstation network or whatever blows compared to live, and bungie knows that. we're talking about the services of course, like messaging and connection. matchmaking? They obviously have been on the Xbox for 7 years, they know how to program for Xbox by far, the best. why would they bother experimenting, or investing their time in something that MAY work, as opposed to something they have been successful on?
true, but bungie and microsoft have gone their seperate ways now so its possible for Sony to get their hands on it
I believe Bungie is smart enough to not make Halo 4 and that is the main reason they broke away from Microsoft. Although I do think that Bungie's next title will be on PS3, but it will not be exclusively to PS3 and will most likely still be on Xbox360.
Well Bungie has stated that they had no current plans to make games for other consoles at the moment but doesn't mean they are neccasarily limiting themselves to the 360 forever. Also, any games Halo-wise would not be called Halo 4, Halo was a trilogy. They may have other games in the Halo universe but this story arc (Halo 1-3) is over.
bungie better not ditch the xbox and make it ps3 exclusive because alot of people will be very angry because most halo fans will not just buy a ps3 to play halo 4. INW bungie will be ditching alot of fans and such.,. but i dont think they should make a halo 4 because halo was a trilogy and it might not make alot of sense with the rest of the 3 games. inless the make like a new starting for the story maybe not including the cheif and maybe at a different time idk
Calm down guys, the split from Microsoft was very amicable and Bungie have made no indication of a move to the PS3 - in fact all the evidence points to them developing in 'close contact' with Microsoft for the immediate future.
hhmm, i doubt it would be called Halo4 anyway but a new spin off series from the Halo trilogy is a definet possibility. The thing is, if bungie was to wonder off onto the dark side they would keep it hushed untill the last moment wouldn't they. If they made a statement now, it would upset current Halo fans and they could end up loosing profit as a result. - This is just a thought, but it conserns me because microsoft could find itself the under-dogs in games consoles as there are numerous problems with 360's already i.e its terrible reliability of surviving a year without bustin
Lego Halo is an April Fools joke. There would have to be Halo lego sets before they would make a Lego Halo game.
Now we hit the Ferret with the mallet. There arnt that many good exclusive xbox games. the good ones i can think of are Gears, Lost Planet, Crackdown. But they arnt nearly as goos in terms of popularity and gameplay to Halo. Gears is bestg I believe out of the three but Sony players can get it for PC. So if Bungie take the rope and lob themselves off the Microsoft wagon, where does that leave us?? - plz prove me wrong
Bungie just became its own independent company. It even said in the contract that Bungie will continue to make Xbox Games for years to come. And also PS3 doesnt deserve Halo...