This has been annoying me too. I've never posted a vid, but when I go to watch a video that I know has an awesome song in it, there is no sound and it says "audio removed due to copyright infringement" under the video box. FFFFFFFFUUUUU....
I think they must have a programme that scans the audio waves: Then they find anything that matches and take it down.
Im not sure what the big deal is. I quit like this becouse I want the legit music channels to have thier songs only on thier channel. Good news is, not everything in copyrighted. But if it is, you can simply audio swap system that youtube provides or you can just take your video down and use a different song. No biggie in my opinion.
Well lets see do you make videos? Youtube's audio swap really isn't that great, all of possible songs you can choose from you probably never heard of besides maybe one or two songs; and they aren't really that great of songs too. And when you have a lot of people who watch your video and you get a lot of views, comments, and etc. all of that is lost when you take it down. Trust me I got my fair share of youtube taking down my videos. About that, their system can pick up videos with sound from capture cards and it can pick sound that is in the video. Let's say if you made a video and you are talking in the video and you have your favorite song playing in the background of you talking. They will catch that.
As a matter of fact yes, I do make videos. Theres a solution to your problem, dont use copyrighted music. And so what if you never heard those songs before? If you dont like anything on the audioswap then like I said, take it down and replace the music if you are a "dedicated youtuber"
Well, not saying that I'm great or anything but my all my videos have a good chunk of views on them.And if I take them down just to swap the music, it's almost pointless. Let's see at least in my opinion and from what I know, I don't know any good music that isn't copyrighted. So if you do know any non-copyrighted music, go ahead and pm me.
Views never get deleted. You keep them but its not publicly shown. But for the copyrighted music part just look at other peoples channels that are not official music channels and if they got songs playing, then that must mean that its allowed.
I'm quite aware of how Youtube works. I have been a proud member since Winter of 2006. I understand that views never get deleted. But when a video gets deleted and you re upload it with a different song the views that were shown on the previous video will be unnoticed. You may be right in a way about the music on peoples channels, but I myself still have videos that I think have copyrighted songs in them, but the thing is is that they are still on my channel. Also going along with what you said, about music on channels. JLC, Ibiteprettyhard, and numerous other Rock Band/Guitar Hero players who have youtube accounts and made RB/GH videos had their respective videos up for a long time and now their accounts have been deleted. It's all because of Warner Music Group.
Does anyone know if you can prevent this from happening by putting things like "This song is property of..." or something like that in the description? Doesn't sound like it would work to me, but I was just wondering if anyone else knew for sure.
People say that in the credits, description, annotations, it doesn't matter it'll get deleted. Trust me I have done all of the above and videos like that still get deleted.
I made a montage that took me around an hour each day for maybe a week and a half. Part of the reason it took awhile was because it was synced perfectly with "Knights of Cydonia". Then it took around three hours to render it out in a youtube-able format. Another hour to upload. I put the text "Knights of Cydonia" by Muse in the credits of the video and the description, but it was muted! I audio-swaped but it looked terrible because the flashes and fades to black looked really random because the song wasn't there! So what, I'm supposed to redo the entire project synced to a different song!?! **** that, now it's just on Filefront.
I'm quite aware and understand what you are saying. I've been a member of Youtube for a long time. I have my fair share of deletions/mutings from Youtube.
I understand, it's just that a lot of videos are just video and the song is thrown in randomly, just because it's a good song and spices things up. But a good montage is practically built around the song, so audio-swapping of any kind doesn't really work.
Yeah because the audio swap is terrible. I don't know about Youtube anymore. I don't know where it's going with this. All I know is won't be making anything for a while until I know how to handle making videos with all this Copyright crap on Youtube.
Youtube is just trying to prevent you from using copyright material. I think its great. If you wanna make montages, then I suggest visiting or something like that. This also acually prevented many acounts from being suspended becouse they warn them ahead of time. Agamer, if it is that serious that all your vids were copyrighted then sooner of later you would have ended up having your account suspended.
And then I am going to be one pissed off person. And not all my videos are Halo3 and they aren't montages. So your site won't help me.