Not just any mods, though. I mean gametype mods, or very special mods, that give a new way on how the game looks. For example, with a gametype mod, you could have a arena game where the humans just sit around without a weapon. They get teleported to a spot when it is their turn, and automatically pick up a sword, starting the fight.
No, Halo was made by Bungie, and therefore we should follow their rules. Modders get banned from Xbox Live and this isn't a mod distributing website. This is a forging site where you can share your maps with the community, not a place where you can mod Halo.
Mods are not allowed on forgehub period. forgehub is for community mad maps, not altered versions of bungie's programing. If you want to mod I suggest you go to another modding forum and avoid using your mods on Xbox live. (they are allowed in local) If a modded gametype is posted on forgehub I believe it is a ban or a high level infraction.
Alright. All I was saying, is that some (not nearly all, maybe 1 or 2) could change make the game a lot better. If you guys don't like it, that's fine. This is just a discussion thing.
Or you could just make your own custom gametype without modding. Modding is not required to have fun in Halo believe it or not.
Within the forums, modding is frowned upon, however, if you wanted to share the content with forgehub friends in custom games that's fine. Just don't get banned. I'll admit, I've played on modded content, but modded content isn't meant to go here, there are other websites for that.
No, I completely understand what you're saying. I'm not trying to start a fight either. I'm just saying that modded content will never be allowed on Forgehub. The solution is what Rusty said above: "if you wanted to share the content with forgehub friends in custom games that's fine." Exactly, you just can't post it here.
Yeah, Mods I don't think should be allowed on here. Yes you Shadow, Creeping, I mean you. OO, this is about Halo Mods, JK, umm I don't think they should be on here either. It breaks the way the game is supposed to be played, and it kinda makes FH look a little less then it is, if say someone from Bungie came here to look at maps for MM. Oh, and American Physco, why does the duration time for ban evasion say never, shouldn't it be forever??
It doesn't matter if it makes the game better the fact is, you are changing the game outside the limits that bungie set, which is bad, and bungie would not like forgehub if we had mods either.
The whole point of forgehub is to be creative using forge, not to mess with the game code to make little stupid add ons. Not only are mods illegal, but they can damage your hard drive I believe. If you want to make mods, you should really do it on a pc game. They are made to mod really.
ZOMG ther shud b no MoDs becuz the staff heer r all liek totly corupt. all we need r jounralsts k? On a serious note, modding should not be endorsed by ForgeHub because it is not endorsed by Bungie. Bungie and ForgeHub have a good relationship, and if FH were to allow modding and modded maps/gametypes there would likely be a fallout. Bungie would likely no longer partner with ForgeHub for front page news stories and the like, if even at all. Allowing modded content here would be akin to FH shooting itself in the foot. Especially after all Bungie's done for the Forge community (Foundry, Sandbox), it would be a total **** move on FH's part to undermine Bungie's authority like that.
There is only one mod that I actively use. It's a mod that allows you to have your FFA colours while in forge. Basically it just doesn't limit you to teams. It's amazingly helpful for machinimas. But yeah, mods are illegal so we are inclined to dislike them. And anyway, all the modded maps suck. They're usually just Sandtrap with Elephants outside the map or Foundry with "recon" spelt using copies of the crane light on a double-box wall.