Tarantula Tower v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. gamergimp

    gamergimp Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Queued! (And how.) Will reply later!

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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    arach-nemisis, i like it. yeh i thought about calling it Arachnophobia, but Tarantula Tower is a more halo-ish name.

    lookin forward to some feedback homie
  3. frigoc1

    frigoc1 Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    looks pretty good, but u got an overview pic of it?

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    being a smaller, close-quarters map, i couldnt get an overhead pic otherwise i would have one up there. i tried to compensate with an overflow of other pics though. just DL it and check it out homie.

    it won't disappoint
  5. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Nemesis, lol.
    Actually Arachnophobia is a very Haloish name, as it is one word non-verb, as most map names are: Containment, Isolation, Standoff, etcetera.
    I went to sleep before you uploaded this map, but I see it would have been worth waiting for! DL.
  6. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    um.. i found way out of your man. i'll pm you with th details
  7. BANDiT

    BANDiT Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Great job on the merging!
    Downloading now...

    I'll comment back soon

    Senior Member

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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    if you did in fact find a way out.. which i tried super hard to avoid, you will lose. 2 minutes rounds... it will be over before you have a chance to even do anything. ill look into it though, thanks.
  9. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Yeah, me and him were playing around on it, and by the stair side of the map, you can jump on top of one of the gates and jump out of the map.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    this looks really good it was the inter locking that sold me the dl

  11. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    This map looks tons like ... ahhh trying rememeber the name... the map with the prophet in the middle... and the tree at the top.... but tis really a great map... DL and can't wait to test it... also how well did tests go?

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Alrighty, I am back with my review. Are you READY? :p
    Hopefully this will help.

    - First of all, the concept and layout itself is very unique. The 4 tunnels going into the middle was a great starting point and then you added on some great things around that as well.
    -The interlocking is almost flawless. The middles section has like 20 things meshed together and there are barely any bumps whatsoever. I can tell you spent a lot of time making sure everything was interlocked properly.
    - The double fence wall floor has a unexpectedly(sp?) cool effect.
    - I like how you have the corner walls on the main stairs. It adds some much needed cover and it adds a lot to that portion of the map.
    - This map has many types of gameplay built in. Meaning that although most of it will satisfy close-quarters combat people, there are also 2 main areas where it is more open. Right in the middle is an open area and under the defenders side also provides a little more open space.

    -AS mentioned before, you can jump out of the map. I know your gametype is only two minutes. But if someone played oddball just for fun...well it would just be unfair.
    - The attackers side seems to be a little favored. They have the sniper, more equipment, and plasma grenades in their two tunnels. The sniper trumps the turrets and the attackers have a unfair advantage with the extra grenades below.

    Some other possible changes:
    - I don't know if you wanted this to happen, but the grav lifts are not on instant respawn on the defending side.
    - I guess I do not see much of a point in the two teleporters in the middle except for the purpose of me trying to stick myself. The teleporters don't get you away from danger and they don't bring you anywhere except for where you started. I would take them out, but it is your choice.
    - You may want to delete all the extra stuff on the outside just to make the loading a lil quicker and because you can see it from some portions of the map. Makes it a lil messy but it isn't that big of a deal at all.

    I think the Pros outway the Cons by far and I can't wait to play it with a larger party. This map is definately a keeper and worth the download. Great job Light and congrats on a popular post!
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    awesome m first solid feedback! thanks for takin the time to check it out thoroughly, sometimes it takes an outsider's eye to spot the smaller flaws.

    As far as jumping out of the map, anyone who read early on in my Battle Mound thread knows how i feel about people who even try to jump out of maps during actual gameplay...disrespectful. However, knowing that it does make a more complete map, i am looking in to remedying the situation ASAP (probably today).

    I tend to disagree a bit with the attack being more favored than the Defense. Both sides have equal access to the same amount of grenades. Defense has spike nades up top and plasmas below, while the attack has plasmas below and spike nades up top. The sniper rifle spawns only once a match, while the turrets, unless ripped off there stand, will be there the whole time.

    As far as the equipment, its purpose is to provide cover for players going over the top open area, and the way i have it set up with the deployable cover not spawning at the start, its pretty probable that only one or the other will be available each "attacking run." Still, I've been throwing this idea around in my head about giving the defense a power drain that will never respawn... ill test it out and see how it works... it may or may not fly.

    I do know the grav lifts are not set to instant respawn, and it was actually intentional for two reasons. First, the "spider web" talked about in the caption for the lower D base lift screenshot was originally unplanned, but when i stumbled on it, i loved it and it had to stay. It will be a rarity that it even happens, but it can and will suck unsuspecting players into it if not careful. The second reason being if you are in the lower level of the D base, throwing a spike grenade (theres one on each side of the box where the lift is) to stick the upper grav lift allows you to ascend the lift without traveling all the way to the top. you can stop in the middle more easily.

    The teleporters are intended to give the attack a little more room to work with. Not being visible to the defenders up top, a player can seek a tiny bit of refuge on the sides in case there is no equipment on hand. Frags are not on the map, and you do not start with them either, and plasmas arent as effective as you think in cleaning up an injured player hiding in there, as they dont ricochet near as far. The defender will have to give chase if he wants to finish the kill right then, and then you will probably find the teleporters more useful than you think. Personally I like going over the top, and turning like im going to through the tele (knowing they are expecting me to come through the other side) but giving them a fake-out and just do a 180 and keep charging. it works well from time to time, you have to mix it up tho.

    In addition to patching up the map's exits, I plan on also deleting all the extra stuff on the outside too, because i tend to agree that its a bit distracting from the back of the lower d base.

    wow, that was an essay haha. Once again i appreciate the feedback ALOT, as it can help turn a good map into a great map (which is always the goal). Look for a couple fixes later today, they shouldnt be too difficult. Im still workin on a review for Rooftops, so keep an eye out for that also (just from what ive seen its already my favorite urban map).
  14. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    GREAT interlocking but with double boxes, flip them over to the plain side, it looks more appealing.
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

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    i actually like the color they add to the map as is.. and i wanted to keep it uniform all the way around underneath in the tunnels. since it wouldnt really work to flip my tunnels upside down without sinking the entire structure into the ground, which would be an incredibly daunting task, especially with the angled defensive tunnels.
  16. sendernode

    sendernode Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    very creative and well put together. I like the concept of the top area but would like to see you clean it up a bit - how it works into the bottom area is really cool - and I like the lift going all the way up - makes the way the top and bottom play together interesting. Overall I think you did a great job.
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Thanks for the feedback! Coming from you that means more than from most others, considering you have set the standard for map making with Different Level. Care to elaborate on what to clean up though? im trying to release an updated version today and your input would help greatly.
  18. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Hell yea Lights! This map looks kick-ass, You have my Download.. I like the idea to keep it all Covenant weapons, nice change of pace from all the human weapons we see in maps. I'll defenately update this post further after I take a walk through, But I don't for-see anything that could make this less bad-ass then it looks.

    And yes Creep1ng, That made you sound gay.
  19. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    This look great, the interlocking in this is just awesome. I can't even explain. Very nice job man.
  20. Xy Monster

    Xy Monster Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    This looks very interresting. It looks very nice just by looking at thew pictures

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