Warthog: Gunner or Driver?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jpec07, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    So a situation came up recently where one of my friends got flamed. She was the gunner in a warthog, and the driver apparently ran into a wall during a battle with the opposing team's warthog. They lost the battle, with the warthog stuck against the wall, and the driver flamed my friend for being a crappy gunner.

    This sparked an interesting debate that I thought would carry well over to the forum. So the question is this: who is more important when it comes to warthogs, the gunner or the driver?


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    I'd say both are equally important because with a bad Driver you can die quickly because he will most likely flip the Worthog fast in combat situations. This is just the same for Gunners with a bad Gunner you will get no where and die when you can't defend the Worthog.

    And, Isn't this question more for the Debate section of the forum? I think this should be moved to the appropriate section of the forum.
  3. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    That's a hard one. Both are immensely important, but I would have to say the driver is more important. Not only does the driver make the difference between life and death, but one slip up on his part and the flag gets taken by the enemy or whatnot.
  4. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Driver, he's the quarterback of the play. Calling out where things are, coming to the rescue and all that good stuff.
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    This thread has no prerogative, and really no value to the site. But, I can't pass up a debate, so here is my share.

    Drivers, and gunners go hand in hand. Without both, simultaneous occurrences in games can not proceed. Neither is more important than the other for they both share the same agenda, depending if you're playing the game competitively. You need a well balanced, fair, strategic, etc. driver, while having a energetic, tactical, gunner. Both combination well manipulate the warthog to their playing abilities. I personally drive the wharthog in situations where my friend and I can't decide which position to take. What I usually do is stop a fair distance from the enemy, giving my gunner a stable area to shoot. If danger does come in my path I try to avoid it to the best of my driving ability. Though as skill I feel fortunate for me to hold, is one to out-run missile pods. Friends of mine know to stay-put when they here the beeping noise, for I execute a tedious job of dogding them. Though, in many cases I do admit defeat to the missile pod.

    While I take the position of the gunner, I have lost power, but gained some as well. I don't have the power to manipulate the wharthogs driving to my liking, but I'm able to use my shooting to provide a safer enviroment for my driver. I usually tell me driver the enemies location, and let the driver decide a good firing spot. If I feel the need to quickly alert my driver of danger I do so, without regret. Many times I panic and abandon my driver, which I apologize for later in the game.

    So really, neither position holds more importance then the other. Its a fair relationship.
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Driver. Even if you have a bad gunner (me) you can still get out of almost any situation with a great driver (my friend)

    although I get really cool lucky kills. and I got a killing spree from the passenger seat.
  7. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I think that they are a team. No one can be blamed for a mistake. The gunner is responsible for protecting the driver and killing all threats, likewise the driver is responsible for maneuvering out of difficult situations and knowing when to fall back if the gunner takes damage. I think it really depends on the situation as to who is to blame for a problem. However, when all is said and done, it really is just a game and it doesn't really matter.
  8. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I am a better driver, but I'll gun if I want kills. Or if the driver sucks.

    EDIT: 1000th post for me! WOOOO! *ahem*... sorry.
  9. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    I personally always drive, with over 12k wheelman medals, but I think both are equally important.
  10. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    The passenger, who's gonna cap all them flags for you eh? But in all seriousness they're both equal since you can't do well without the other being good in the opposite position.
  11. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    The way I see it:

    If you just have a driver you can pick other people up for flag caps, and you can move around the map and run other players over.

    If you just have a gunner you pretty much sit were ever you are parked and shoot at stuff you can see, you can't move after it, you can't change your position, and once they learn what you are doing they'll just go around.

    Driving ftw.
  12. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    ^ agrees

    the driver is much more important; they controls the life of the gunner and themselves. The driver has a chance of survival without a gunner if they're good enough at driving. Gunners... well.. they're pretty much stuck in one spot. lol. So, drivers carry the bulk of the responsibility for their riders.
  13. Metzelda

    Metzelda Ancient
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    The Gunner, even without a Driver a Gunner can still Gun down opponents but he cant move though.
  14. Sonic Boxers

    Sonic Boxers Ancient

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    Definitely the driver. Without proper maneuvering the gunner will not have better aiming. Even still, if your the gunner on a team game, expect a bumpy ride. It's not easy to shoot small targets from across the map with a chaingun or a Gauss turret (I mean, unless thats the only thing you do in team games, A.K.A. noobs, or if your legitimately good on the back of a hog.)

    Now, Banshees. There's a different story. Ho-ho, are those fun to drive!!! Whoo! Lol.
  15. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    "Splatter Spree!"
  16. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
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    Probably driving. It's great support, and without a driver, gunners are almost useless. Sure, you'll get a couple kills, but they'll catch on quick and you're down. Drivers mobilize the carnage, and it's great transport for flag/bomb carriers.

    Driving FTW.
  17. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    The driver is for sure. He has to know where to go to have the best chance of finding people and the best chance of getting out of there alive. Plus not running into the other warthog helps. They obviously go hand in hand, and a great gunner will override a sucky driver, but an extremely skilled driver can lead anyone to a perfection.
  18. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    Driver FTW!

    Srsly, i love driving, especially now that im getting my lisence. Then i get medals still even with the gunner shoot, plus i love to see them get hit by meh. i was just in BTB and got about 25-30 medals with the warthog, like 10 of them being splatters.
  19. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    I find the driver is far more important.For the simple reason that it takes far more effort to be the "competant driver" than it is to be a competant gunner.
    As a gunner your job is very simple,shoot at anything in range picking the more important targets of what you see.The only other thing you can do is announce where the baddies are
    Whereas as a driver you need to see whats around you at all times.
    You need to be a freaking whizzkid with the handbrake or you cant take advantage of the fact that you have twice as much shields than people running around.
    Youv a far more active role than the boy with the 50cal
    In that particular instance though.The driver was an idiot.If you get stuck into a wall and try to blame the gunner you had no place in that chair :)
  20. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    Both need skill. You need a good driver that knows how to freaking drive a warthog by holding a couple buttons and a gunner who is focused on the area around him so he can rack up cheap kills.

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