The Dark Knight no doubt for me I don't care if everyone says this but there was so much suspense and it was much more scary than any horror film
Although it is an amazing movie, no doubt, I didn't like the ending albeit the best suiting ending. I found it to be extremely predictable and cliche.
Eagle Eye, Wall-E, Dark Knight, Role Models Never got round to seeing Slumdog Millionaire (not sure I'm up for seeing someone gouging a 6-year old's eyes out) And the worst film of 2008 was: The Happening. An absolutely atrocious excuse for a film.
Worst film of 2008, without having seen it, is Disaster Movie. Go see Slumdog Millionaire. It's an amazing film, I'm just not a huge fan of the ending is all. I'm currently doing a review of The Wrestler for English, it's worth a good ammount of my grade. I'mma try my hardest to make sure I get good marks for it.
I saw the Wrestler a bit ago. I really liked Mickey Rorque and the whole storyline, but the ending was a bit of a letdown. My favorites were 1. Cloverfield (so sue me) 2. The Dark Night 3. Indiana Jones 4 I tend to look more for directing than much else in a movie. That's why I liked Cloverfield so much. A cliffhanger ending was perfect for a movie like that, not so much The Wrestler.
The Dark Knight-cuz it pwns The Rocker-because of my great appreciation for Rock and Comedy Love Guru-Gee yoU aRe yoU- because u r u, lolz i liked it beleive it or not, i thought it was really good. not neccisarilly in that order, well TDK is all the way #1 no doubt but the other 2 r just about tied.
Amazing movie...if people got sick during this movie because of the camera....then your dumb... Anything that J.J. Abrams is apart of is amazing. The camera angles were great...even if most of it was cg it was something different
I would have to say my favorite film, of course, was the dark night. absolutely amazing, especially because of the joker. But I also really loved Iron man. man that movie was epic...
Ah Iron Man, that was good too, almost up there with The Dark knight i completly forgot about that one. Music in that was amazing too. Now im excited and waiting for the DBZ movie, kickass.