iPod Touch Game/App Recommendations

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jake Pajamas, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Anyone know of any good games or applications for the ipod touch that I should buy?

    Here's a list of the one's currently in my possession:
    -Soccer Kickoff
    -FS5 Hockey
    -BTires Lite
    -iBall 3D
    -Tap Tap

    -Sound Grenade

    NOTE: I do not want to jailbreak my ipod AT ALL. I know the NES games are sweet and what not but I paid for an extended warranty and I don't want to void that.

  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    iShoot is a tank-style combat game. That is, you move, aim, and shoot different stuff. Weapons range from mortars, to machine guns, to ****ing nukes.

    Fieldrunners is actually really fun. It's Tap Defense on steriods.

    iSSH, or whatever it's called. The free one. I use this a lot because it saves my life to hell. Casual users won't need it (nor will understand what SSH means) but if you do, get it.

    Full Browser. I absolutely love Full Browser. It's a bit like that Incognito browser, but with a function that lets you hide the navigation and address bar for maximum screen size. You can shake them back.

    Rebel Onslaught reminds me a bit of Starfox 64. Barrel rolls! It's paid.
  3. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    Backgrounds-Awesome backgrounds for your login screen.
    iCopter-really fun and addicting
  4. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    X-Plane (Any of them, but I like Extreme)
    Brothers in Arms (Isn't bad, just takes some getting used to the control scheme)
    Ocarina (This is an amazing app for 99c, your iPhone/iPod touch 2G turns into a musical instrument)
    2079 (alot like Geometry Wars on the 360)
    SimCity (Pretty fun, just can get boring fast)
    Space Deadbeef (Classic sidescrolling shooter that is addicting)
    Topple (A very fun stacking game that uses the accelerometer aswell)
    Tap Tap Revenge (The free version of Tap Tap)
    FS5 Hockey (Air Hockey, also allows you to do two people on the same iPod or play over wifi with other users)
    i.TV (Very useful for figuring out what TV Shows are on)
    Movies (Can determine what theatres are around you, and what movies are playing. Can even buy your tickets with it)
    Google Earth (Self Explanatory)
    Air Sharing (View Documents on your iPod, or use your iPod as a flash drive over wifi)
  5. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    These both cost money, but they're well worth their price tag!

    Real Soccer 2009 (if you like soccer/football). Its basically FIFA on your ipod touch. Lots of depth to the game, much more than I'd have expected from an ipod app.

    Fastlane Street Racing - The most beautiful game I've seen on the ipod touch. Smooth and sexy racing game with lots of features: Time Trial, Perfection mode and Arcade mode. You also have the ability to save and view replays.
  6. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    You should definatly get that beatbox machine and the lighter. Just a thought.
  7. JarHead

    JarHead Ancient
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    I would have to suggest Fieldrunner or 7 cities. which are both very good games.
  8. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I bought Rebel Onslaught, it is definitely a keeper. I'm gonna look into the other ones you guys posted as well, thanks for the suggestions! Keep em coming if you know of more
  9. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Papijump,cuderunner,the guitar one,the drumming one,tiltsnakeimob online,myspace app,bounce lite,wifi finder
  10. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    I am addicted to iMafia.
  11. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    definately Jellycar, its rly addicting, and my personal suggestion would be to try out the free version of Imob. I think its pretty interesting, but it can get laggy and unfair sometimes tho.
  12. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    i already own jelly car, I looked into a lot of the games and apps you guys suggested and really like them, any other suggestions are still welcome!
  13. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    I still highly recommend iMafia over any other mafia game and most others out there.

    My two favorites to date are Black Mamba and GL Golf.

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