I thought parts of it were funny. From the title I actually thought that robot chicken did a halo sketch, that would be awesome.
I liked the part where the elites where pretending to be cows. :squirrel_giggle: It would of been much better with better quality.
Ummm.. that was MORTAL KOMBAT my favorite scene is the 2 guys popping up on either side of the crate firing at each other.. **thumbs up!**
The song in the top video during the fight scene is from Mortal Kombat. Youtube proof!.. Pwnd. I WIN. KEN RULES! SHO RYUKEN! [youtube]9FH2QCzjJms[/youtube] I can uncover more proof if you're still not convinced..
Perhaps you can make it better Toochie! If you have some cool ideas I'd be willing to help once I get my Xbox back. I'm sure I could come up with some funny stuff. I'm known as sort-of the class clown around all my peeps. **thumbs up!**
Thats what I was thinking too. I agree also, some parts were funny. Not all of it, but some were still.