BirdHouse By Timeless161 and Sotha Sil156 Players: 4-16 (8, 12, or 16 recommended) Teams: 2-4 (4 recommended) Map Download Gametype Download The name 'Birdhouse' was chosen because after forging the towers that's what they resembled. Not to mention the game revolves around banshees which similar to their winged friends also share the gift of flight. Basically this game can be described as "Banshee Rocket Race". Up to four teams work together to make sure their team's banshee makes it to all of the vip points as quickly as possible. The game starts out with each team spawning on one of four platforms. At this point the VIP must board the banshee and take off for the points. The other teammates all file into the teleporter. Once the VIP has boarded the banshee they must take off and do a 180* on their way to the first point. Their goal is to fly through as many rings(destination points) as possible. After each team has sent their VIP on the way they are teleported to there Birdhouses. As mentioned before the goal of the banshee is to travel to the VIP points as the points move around the map. Not only must the banshee pilots race against the fellow pilots(VIPs) they allow must avoid opposing team attempting to shoot them down. Once they are shot down they must wait to respawn and launch with their banshee from the starting point yet again. The job of the VIPs teammates is to help shoot down all of their competition. The watchtowers are the starting points but the players teleport to two towers, each two has 2 chambers(inside a double box), one team per chamber. Inside these towers there are four total weapons at their disposal: Plasma Pistol Rocket Launcher Plasma Cannon Missile Pod All of the VIPs have way points to easily distinguish between friend and foe. The game is only 1 round and plays to 25. Well that's it. Special thanks to Toxic Spade for lending me his Half Avalanche map. I hope you guys enjoy it and can possibly give me some feedback. This is only the version 1 and we have plans of improving it in the future. Enjoy!
Looks cool, I saw this in the testers guild but never signed up, it looks like I should of. Im going to go ahead and DL, cause it looks to be really fun, although their are a few honor rules. One being that the other person on the team, other than the VIP doesn't have to go through the tele, even though its beneficial to his employer the VIP. Good job, and I think they kinda look like tall beehouses, to me anyway
Wow this is really cool. This is a very new idea I think. I have not seen anything like it. The only thing I would change is the weapons on the ground. Rocket pods seem too powerful. I would do like rockets or something. Something that kills in one hit but is harder to hit the enemy with.
Nice job on making a completely new and different post for Forgehub. The map becomes very hectic as the game progresses, or at least that's how it was when I played it last. You need to VM me the changes you made to the gametype, I am eager to know how it plays now. Post-wise, I suggest that we include a better description of the gametype, with the relevant traits for VIP's and their teammates. I still believe that we should try the destination set up I described a while back. That, to me at least, has potential to completely change the flow of the game. As Timeless161 said in the post, any feedback on the game is welcome. This is only the first version, and there is always room for improvement. Wow, It took me two posts too long to write that.
Sotha Sil invited me and some other people to play a game of this and my, my. It was very fun, and added a completely new idea to Mini Game Maps! Although I wasn't very good at it, and my team lost... I still had a blast, and think this map could become an instant classic! Great job Sotha and Timeless! Also, nice post Morphine! 5/5, because I know how it plays and looks. It is wonderful! EDIT: Yes, seeing from a picture view, I have noticed that a few of the starting platforms appear to be crooked... hrrrmmmm. I understand that this is the first version and that there is always room for improvments. So don't fix this unless you find this completely necessary. And if possible Morphine, can you please include a picture of the wall seperating this from the other half of Avalanche? I didn't get a chance to play as a bird, and want to see it. I would play it right now, but I have a few more things to post on. For some reason I was unable to pick up the Plasma Cannon... am I special?
Wow, I have to say that this is a truly unique concept. I can only think of one issue: how easily are VIPs killed? Can they be shot down easily by their fellow VIPs or the henchmen? This has a DL from me for sure either way once my xbox is back. Well forged!
dude, this is a pretty beastly map. it looks fun, its original, has asthetics, and its uncheatable, all 5/5. consiquently, im also giving the map a 5/5. . ill dl this and give you a more indepth review later. nice work on the post btw.
this looks really good, in game play and aesthetics. it kinda reminds me of another gametype but i do not remember what it was. any way like i said really good!
I remember being invited to play this game. It was fantastic. The whole concept of how it is really is great. I am very intrigued with the whole point. " Get your banshee to the point or get your ass blown off" i can't think of any improvements of the top of my head but if i do i shall inform you on here or on Xbox Live ( i have Sotha Sil's as a friend) i've already played and loved it so 5/5
I love each and every thought you have put to this map. Playing it would obviously be a blast, I just can't wait. All your maps are so original and fun to play with. This may be even better than Valley Of The Beasts =P Putting a major twist to Rocket Race introduces a whole new game, which I believe is even worthy enough to go into matchmaking. Excellent Job you did on this one. I have a question, do the Missile Pods have limited ammo?
rocket race but with banshees? you should make a variant with hornets instaed and have 2-3 people per team( 1 VIP and 2 nonVIPs) because then it would be alot more like rocket race. it might be harder to play tho.
OH MY GOD!!! This is the awesomeness!!! It gives a Star Fox feel, flying through rings,lol. One of my fav maps ever, make different maps for this gametype!
I'm glad you posted this so fast. Testing it was amazing, I love how you can shoot and see through the box's. Overall very original idea, I don't think this has ever been done. Great job! Gamertag: shlbam
I remember this when the spawn thing was on the ground and all wierd like... But now its good! I never really liked this because the teams were never fair when I played it and so it was unbalanced and sucked. But if you have 4v4v4v4 then this would be f'in sweet! 5/5
The VIPs can take about an entire clip of missile pod before they go down (200% resistance and 3x overshield) but they don't deal damage themselves and their shield recharge is slightly slower. Their primary objective is just to avoid incoming missiles while making their ways to the points. I'll try to get a picture, but as I said in my post I used Toxic Spade's half avalanche wall. Unfortunately due to the fact we don't want non-VIPs getting into vehicles, they can also not get on mounted turrets. So basically you have to give them a quick melee to knock them off before you can pick it up. I was trying to figure out some switch for having it done automatically but we'll have to wait til the v2. They have a very quick respawn but the game doesn't allow you to give them unlimited ammo, same as the plasma cannon. In fact the plasma cannon respawns so quickly it is possible to have 8 in total on the map even though there are only 4 placed. We actually tried this during the process of forging this map, the main problem is it can get kind of boring as there are only 2 hornets on avalanche so can only be played with a maximum of two teams.
The name 'Circle Map' was chosen because after forging certain parts of the map they turned out to look like a Circle Map....................DDDDDDUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH!
this map is pure awsomeness! the idea is truly amazing and unique. the aesthetics are great and the gameplay is really fun. only thing that could possibly be changed is the spawns and weapons. but 5/5 an amazing map
This is actually a really awesome idea. To be honest, I'm disappointed that nobody thought of this sooner.
This is a great map that is nice to see a new map on Avalance. It has Nice merging in the air that looks like you took your time.