Hello, welcome to my second map posted on forgehub! I am proud to present a map me and my friend made called; MLG Battery I have no idea why my friend named it that but it just came to his mind. MLG Battery is a foundry forged map, I would say the map is pretty much symmetrical. The map took us about 8-11 hours to build. We didn't have anything planned out we just thought of ideas as we were forging. Everywhere you look in the map, everything is pretty much merged, except for the wall covering the back part of foundry. EDIT: Me and shikastar have been testing the map with MLG 4v4s and 3v3s, the gameplay on it is pretty sweet. Also the main 3 spawns are; Gold, Corner Bases, and the base. Also the map may be a failure for you when you are playing it if you always go out in the open, for you to understand the map you pretty much have to play smart and stay illusive. GAMETYPES - MLG Team Slayer - MLG Capture the Flag - MLG King of the Hill - MLG Free For All (This gametype hasn't been tested probably good tho) WEAPONS - Battle Rifle x11 //no drop spawn. - Carbine x1 //no drop spawn - Mauler x1 //drop spawn - Sniper Rifle x1 //drop spawn - 1 spare clip SCREEN SHOTS ************* Both blue and red bases are exactly the same, so I will only show you the blue bases but it is the exact same on red side!! Blue Corner Base - BR placed infront of the base and 2 frags ontop. Top Blue Corner Base - BR placed inbetween single boxes, you can't see it Bottom Blue Corner Base Blue Base In Blue Base - BR resting on the geomerged box, 2 plasmas on right side. Red Bases - BR placed at the front of the base and 2 frags ontop Gold Base - Mauler in middle, BR resting on the merged wall corner. Snipe Ramp - View of Gold - Br spawns near the bottom of the ramp, same with otherside. Under Snipe Ramp - Carbine spawn on right side. Snipe Ramp - Sinper spawns inbetween the barriers. I forgot to upload action shots, anyways I hope this is good enough for you guys! Hopefully my map will be featured? xDDOWNLOAD MLG BATTERY ENJOY. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Made by: sSENSE shikastar - I saved the film when I was building my map so you can't jack it!! - 3.5/5 of map made by sSENSE 1.5/5 of map made by shikastar I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR IT ALL THOUGH EDIT: shikastar may have hidden some easter eggs on the map for fun and to waste money xP
-First post lol- I really like this map. The layout looks pretty good and it looks like alot of fun. The geomerging is really nice too. I'll DL and forge through it and reply again once I look at it better =) ♦Last Chaos 7♦ (lol) for now 4/5 and I will find those easter eggs!
The bases look very good but I thought it looked a little to open. The bases are definitely original. The center structure is nice to. I would download but got rrod so I just rome the forums and look at amazing maps being created. 4/5 right now just cause don't know gameplay.
Thanks, I respect your opinion. Me and shikastar put alot of thought into it so that it would look nice and have good gameplay. The map is a BIT like amplified and like the pit. The open areas seem to be fine in my opinion and others who have tested the map. If there was too much cover it wouldn't be good. Last Resort has several open areas and it is a pretty decent map. Guardian has top mid, a huge open area and the gameplay seems to be fine. In my opinion too much cover wouldn't be great. Anyways once again I respect your opinion and thanks for replying to my thread ^^ Thanks for the comments, you're too nice xD. Also you can see the easter eggs from inside the map, I think there are like 1 or 2? One of them is REALLY hard to find though haha. I had alot of trouble with the geomerging but I pulled it off, im not an expert at that. Anyways thanks again xD Haha thanks for downloading. And yes me and shikastar put alot of thought into the bases. Yes, the middle structure is kind of strange I put that there for cover and to make it look cool. I was building a ramp and decided to make kind of like a ramp like in Battle Creek from Halo 1, and that is what came out
Well this map does have a few interesting structures. But it looks like it needs a v2 with more interlocking. It could really use a v2 with some of the bumps out of it. For example: In the 5th picture the two boxes at the bottom that are merged into the ground could be interlocked together before you merge them into the ground. And also above that a part of a box is sticking out of the other box. That could be straighten out easily. The sniping ramp you have I love the stairs that are interlocked into the box. However where the ramp and the single box meet, could be improved. You could lower the single box so there is no bump. Mainly the map itself is probably gameplay wise good but the aesthetics on it need to be improved just a bit. However the map itself could use just a little bit of cover around it as well. It isnt too empty but look a bit empty around the center. These are just a few things to improve upon if you make a Version 2. So far im going to give you a 3.4/5 for aesthetics.
Thanks for your reply, comments like yours will help me become a better forger, there will most likely be a v2 to the map. I don't understand why you said the map needs more interlocking becuase pretty much everything on the map is merged to something. Also on the 5th picture where I merged a double box into the ground and there is a box sticking out behind it, I made it like that on purpose so that they could jump on it and get to the top of that base faster. Anyways thanks for the reply.
I know that part. I meant part of the side of it is sticking out of the box. Can you see it on the picture? The green part of it is sticking out just a little bit.
...Battery...lol looks nice, you pulled off amazing symmetry from what I see, I really like it at first I was like, WTF? the name ironically, I don't like for one reason, there isn't a "Battery" really, nothing that explodes or anything, so I was disappointed, a 4/5 though I like it and I hope you like the site!
i dont know how gameplay would be on this map but from what i see nothing really impresses me. The map probably doesn't have a nice flow mainly because of all the jumping that is required. You made a huge mistake by putting the sniper extremely close to the highest ground on the map. By the looks of it, this map really wasn't built with much gameplay in mind, you maybe just wanted it to look cool. From what i see nothing really makes me want to d/l this map
Looks pretty good but the snipe tower seems too open. I would think people would get BR'ed by the time they grab snipe.
awesome looking map. Great forging. will D/L and this deserves a 4.5 out of 5. TIP, to bring that up to a 5/5, you just need to fill in some of those bigger spaces.
Yes. Just interlock them first and then you start a new round and have one box not start at first then you geomerge the one that is there. Then you do the same thing with the other box next round.
No, the gameplay is good it took me 8-11 hours to forge and put thought into it in the same time, you should actually try it before judging right away. but anyways it is your opinion, i respect it and theres nothing I can do to change your mind and its ok that you think that. I don't see why I made a mistake putting the sniper in the highest part of the map. On guardian, Snipe 3 is the highest place in the map and it seems to be good. I've tested the map and it is pretty good. anyways thanks for reply. Tehe, thats the whole point xD
It seems as though competitors will only be offered an optimal amount of protection while they are on top of the large structures that are placed about the map. The sad truth is: MLG maps don't work like this. Protection should almost always be offered in every nook & cranny of the map, so that there are always escape routes and ways to counter-attack the opposition. If you map fails to achieve this feeling of 'potential', then I highly doubt that it will be an effective MLG map.
Personally I don't feel the MLG effect. I mean It isn't a terrible map or anything. I just feel like you didn't do this to your full potential. 3.5/5
I see that you're enthusiastic about interlocking, that's great. The things that you might need to work on though: -neatness -creativity (the bases look a little dull) -Weapon Placement (It is an MLG map, so this is very important) Try these things out and maybe get some people from the testers guild to give you opinions.
It looks like you made this map to try and show off some geomerging and merging. That is not usually what makes a map, a map is made by original gameplay and ideas. For example, the map that was just featured, Project X, had only geomerged in places to make the map look cleaner. When I saw your map it immediately made me think "too much interlocking" and some of the geomerges are quite messy. This is a great learning exercise for making geomerges and good interlocks. One suggestion for the "sniper peak" is to re interlock all of the boxes using nodes to precisely line them all up. and for the corners of the bases, They look quite awkward having the two boxes and one like.. 6 inches lower, it just looks unclean. overall 3/5 try just a competitive map, without mlg standards.
this map is great! the aesthetics are great and you must of spent alot of time on those bases. the layout looks great and really suits the weapon layout. a few improvements could be made but its a truly amazing map. well done 4.5/5 from me
you need to interlock the geomerged boxes so you don't fly into the air when you walk across them, and also the middle single box on the bases with the frags on it is the other way up to the boxes interlocked with it, don't know if that was deliberate but just thought i'd say. 4/5.