I can't post it but it is on the rooster teeth homeplage or you can find it here. It is the miniseries taking place after reconstruction...OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Link: Red vs. Blue · Video Archive
Sharp, you are slow. I saw this way b4 you found it at least 5 minutes before that is i thought it was a solid opener I just wanna know wtf caboose is doing with tex/church/or whoever the **** that is there
Grif is the ****. Geoff is really a great actor for him, and he should consider professional voice acting.
hey that quote you made about the rankings,well it is kind of complicated but you will eventually get used to it like me and everybody else did
This looks amazing! I was looking on their site yesterday, they must of put it up right after I got off. I loved Recovery One, Reconstruction, and Relocated looks just as good. The only thing is waiting for weeks at a time for the next episode, it kills me every time.
IMO they are really getting back to the old Red vs Blue style. You know the "Blood Gulch Chronicles" character design and acting. Ill be interested in how they get lopez back. Oh and i think that is tex
No, it's not tex. The blue thing is the Epsilon AI, if you were a total nerd and paying attention to the last couple episodes, like me, then you would know.
I dont think M.Jelleh was talking about the blue glow. We all know thats epsilon. He was talking about the corpse. And the major debate on the Rooster Teeth Site is who the corpse is, and how they are going to get epsilon to function with him/her. See "Epsilon, an Emerging Character" thread.
I have this crazy theory to how tex can come back. Ok, so remember that she died and came back just like church in season 2 I believe? Well I have this theory that while Omega was in her head he basically fused minds with her, so when he fled her mind, it basically split her personality in two and she basically became part A.I. That is how she came back and could possess bodies like Church. How this fits into the epsilon, caboose, body thing idk.
Well, if you look into the back story on Wash, and Tex, you will know that they were around at the same time and both had their AI as well, so that can't work.
you guys don't get it at all. here is what happened: Church is an AI that was based off of the Director. Now the Director( before he was the director) was in the military with his Girlfriend and while he was there, she was killed. So he needed a mind to base Tex off of, so he chose his late girlfriend. That is why Wash said that the director gave here" special treatment". That is also why Tex and Church were seemingly inseparable, no matter what they did or how much they pretended to hate each other.
What the hell up with the blue guy and the power drain? This seems like it will be ok, i hope it gets better. also How many episodes is Relocation supposed to be anyways?
Unfortunately thats not completely true. We havent actually bee told if it was his wife, all we know is its someone dear to him, and that he lost her. Also we have never actually been told Dr Church was ever in the army, let alone that Tex is even alive, let alone an AI. All speculation aside, thats what this miniseries is about. It is intended to fill in the gaps in the "Red vs Blue canon" Relocated is going to be 4 episodes, and a V-day PSA. BTW the blue guy was Caboose
Wrong sharp. The director was not in the military. He specifically said that in the last episode of reconstruction. The rest of that sounds right though. So you are suggesting that tex is the same as church... just a different part of alpha perhaps? but that's like having sex with yourself