New Bungie Post reveals a complete item list including a transport Hornet. Link In addition, IGN Interview reveals an floating grid area outside of Sandbox for a bigger and better forge area. No more escaping noobz. Link
I saw that but it is the Official Discussion thread and I thought it really isn't something to discuss just something to look at and be amazed
K, but ppl get really pissed these days when the see a separate thread, so I'll just ask a mod to lock this and it'll be k.
^ Agreed... And the thing that you see about the Transport Hornet all that is going to be is the Hornet in Avalanche where there is no missiles; Not a new vehicle. Also the Grid you are talking about has also already been discussed and all it will be is to help aid Forgers making maps. It's only going to appear in Forge. *Important* Please remember: To discuss all things related to the upcoming Sandbox map in the Sandbox discussion thread. We do not need five different threads saying the exact same thing.
requesting lock on thread :lock: seriously, if it has to do with sandbox, it will already be in the sandbox discussion thread.