A true ThunderDOME (Mad Max) style arena?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by a dumb cat, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    I had this great idea for a Mad Max Thunderdome recreation this epic arena. I have seen one map titled Thunderdome, but I was a little dissapointed to see that the arena was not even round.

    What would you think of a map that would look nearly identical to the original Thunderdome from the Mad Max movie?

    ***Hemispherical shape (yup, when I say exactly, I mean EXACTLY like the movie).

    ***Floating weapons, like in the movie (swords, hammers, rockets, flamethrower, etc).

    ***Fast movement, low gravity, lowered damage, stronger shields with no recharge (to create epic battles for 1v1 and FFA games).

    ***Fence walls used to maximize viewing of the fight.

    Even with lowered damage and high shields (which will be tweaked as it is tested), I feel like this would just be crazy fun as you have power weapons used and a'splosions being set off left and right. I don't want this to become another nonsense kind of map and game, however. And if nothing else is gained, at least we will have an awesome "stock" map we can use for other game types and ideas.

    I really want to create one if there is enough interest. Otherwise I have many other projects that I would like to start/complete...

    Any thoughts and opinions are welcome.


  2. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    I guess no one found this idea appealing...

    Any mod may lock this topic.

    Thanks, dc.
  3. Sagan

    Sagan Ancient
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    Peaked my interest...I actually have a "Mad Max" game mode I created already....for use with a map on Sandtrap called "Thunder Road."

    It is basically "vehicle wars." I arranged an outer ring track in the "mortar region" of the map and teams of Warthog and Mongoose riders fight to reach the goal points while ripping each other to shreads with their guns along the way.

    Check it out here:

    Mad Max on ThunderRoad
  4. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    That looks pretty cool, I will DL it because I love vehicles.

    But I was thinking more of an actual DOME, where two players can just go at it with power weapons. It would be created on Foundry (of course) and would not have vehicles. No where to run to because you are trapped in the DOME until one player dies. This would a mano-a-mano showdown, with spectators to view it if they choose.

    More of a fun and crazy map, and definitely not on the competitive side. But we can't play competitive maps all the time, right? MLG get boring after a while unless you're on the pro circuit.

  5. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    I see no reason why not, go for it.

    It'd be interesting to see how possible a dome would be.. not an easy task I imagine.
  6. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    DEFINITELY a difficult task, and that is why I am trying to get some feedback on the idea. I am willing to give it a try if there is enough interest.

    I would go ahead with it without question if I had the time to make maps all day, but unfortunately being employed full-time while going to school part-time cuts my productivity in Forge considerably...
  7. Sagan

    Sagan Ancient
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    Well, there's plenty of walls and dbl boxes to make floors and multiple floors, so a dome should not be impossible, just alot of stoping and starting the game for all the interlocking required. Oh...and it'd sure look ugly from the outside!
  8. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    I have already envisioned the first two floors and I don't think it will look too ugly as long as everything is symmetrical and looks professionally interlocked (I am more than capable of that). However once I reach the third layer of walls for the DOME, it may look a little messy, but I will do my best to make it look clean.

    The only thing I have not envisioned or planned is how big is "just right" for this map...


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