i made these for my good friend's DJing a couple weeks ago (note sig) adobe illustrator <3 i plan to continue making things with dark/poppy style. what do you guys think.
thats actually an earlier version, i was just too lazy to upload the newer version. hahah. i fixed it up and such, got rid of any spaces, and just generally touched it up. also there shouldn't be spaces in the early version due to the pink going under the other colors... must be the way it screenshotted (it's just a screen cap of the workspace)
Pretty good. With vectors it's always good to work with a higher resolution. I suggest you give it a try in the future.
I think that they look really cool with the whole contrast thing wouldn't mind one myself if you'd be so kind.
dude, ive got it saved as the size of a ****ing billboard. hahah. I posted my other illustrator works ages ago here, im just now trying to get back into the swing of things.
lol the purple eskimos inexplicably next to penguins? (different poles lol) that one was me effing around, first illustrator thing i ever made.
thank you sir and everyone else, thanks for the comments and if you guys have any suggestions as to what else i could make, then i'll take em. i'm bored. always.