hey, i recently got bioshock for the 360, and i love it. however, i have been experiencing a very odd glitch. half of the times i encounter a big daddy, there is no little sister. also when i kill it, there is no little sister anywhere around or nearby. wtf??!! is this supposed to happen, or is my disc messed up?
often the big daddies will walk around the board in search of the little sisters. sometimes they hide in the walls. alot of times if you free all the girls, the big daddies will aimlessly wander around moaning. several occasions ive found them at the holes in the walls banging on it waiting for them to show.
but the thing is, on this level, i hadn't even encountered any little sisters. in fact, i'm on like the 3rd or 4th level, and i've only fought a few big daddys. for some reason, i just can never find any of them.
Yea when I rented it, Big Daddy's would just walk around forever without any sign of the little sister showing up in any of the walls. I guess the Little Sisters were somewhere else.
Weird? Have you tried cleaning the disk? Because it works perfectly for most people... It may be a disk error considering the other person who played the game with the game rented it... We all know how people treat games that arn't theirs....
but i got mine new, never touched. plus i've only even picked it up once to put it in the xbox. ill try cleaning it, any particular way?
Now, are they the big daddies with the big circular helmet, ot the old school scuba diving like ones. Only the circular helmets have them i think.
The Xbox 360 version is known to be very glitchy. If you hit a big daddy on the back in a certain place with a wrench, it freezes its movement. Then you can just kill him to death from there. It's not surprising that you don't get a lil sister TBH. The PS3 version is glitch-free and the graphics are plished too. I prefer it to the 360 version; usually it's the other way round...
yah, we got it cuz it was at circuit city, for $10 off. it was already like 30 bucks cuz its a platinum game, for ps3 it is 60 bucks. kind of obvious y i got it for 360...
whats funny, i never ran into a glitch or problem with this game. If i couldnt find the little sisters, id clear out to level and just walk around until i found them. worked every time.
Same here, I spent a ton of time playing the 360 version of that game and not once did I ever encounter a glitch.
I've seen them walking around without the little sister, I didn't know it was a glitch. I thought they were just going back and forth and picking up little sisters out off the walls. Are you sure they don't do that some times?
First off I don't think it was a glitch. And I have also never had any problems with this game. It is an amazing game and I cannot wait for Bioshock 2 If I'm thinking right and this has happened to me. If you see a Big Daddy with no little sis then just follow it around and if it knocks on those wall vents and there are little sisters still left in the level then a little sister should come out. Also if you're on Arcadia that level has hundreds of Bid Daddys just walkin around. I just killed Big Daadys over and over by walking in a circuit through the level and they would keep respawning. Although watching a Big Daddy help a little sister out of a vent really reminds you that Big Daddys are actually people in suits. Its pretty wierd how cool I thought it was to see them helping her down to the ground and stuff.
I never accidentally ran into any glitches in the game, just Sony managed to find LOADS of glitches in the game and titter at us for making the game 'badly' /scathing sarcasm
I don't think the problem is a glitch, I think the problem might be you (not trying to be mean). I've never ever had one problem in that game with finding a Big Daddy with a Little Sister. Either you've been so unlucky to kill them while the Little Sisters were put up into the holes in the wall for protection, or you've been killing all of the Big Daddies that don't usually have a Little Sister. If you never encountered the very first little sister, I believe that you won't encounter one for the rest of the game. That might be the glitch you're having a problem with. If that is the problem, you'll have to start a new game.
i've killd 4 big daddys. 2 have had little sisters that i resuced(1 i accidentally clicked harvest i did encounter the first one though.