Its not being lazy,she has a good kind of waffles that only she can make. were you thinking of the box kind?
I want to add that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What happens to a car with no gasoline? It doesn't work. Basically when you don't eat breakfast your metabolism slows. If you were to eat breakfast your metabolism would speed up to an extent, because your body is consuming food. Eating lunch maintains the boast you receive from the food. So in order for you to consistently burn calories and keep your metabolism consistent you must eat breakfast.
Usually I'd snack on a granola bar or something until lunch, but lately I've been having cereal or eggs for breakfast. It usually takes me 3-4 hours after I wake up to be hungry... so I'm not a big breakfast eater.
Mainly because I am so busy I forget to. I have recently started eating breakfast though. On the weekends, before my lacrosse games however, I like to cook up some pancakes or waffles with lotsa bacon and sausage. Breakfast definitely has some of my favorite foods though. Bacon, sausage, pancakes, waffles, cinnamon rolls, bagels, coffee, mmmmhm! Makes me hungry just typing about them
During the week, I usually have a bowl of cereal, a glass of oj, and a fruit of some sort. On the weekends, I usually eat something like pancakes or french toast.
I always have breakfast, everyday, I wake up early for it, but it's not really waking up early, it's just included already in my schedule. I have either: A Cheese Sammich Waffles Bread and Butter/Cream Cheese I used to have Toaster Strudels and Pop Tarts and Cereal, but haven't since I got braces September last year. Well, my mom doesn't buy Toaster Strudels or Pop Tarts anymore, since they're not that good for you. She still buys Cereal though.
I don't have big breakfasts because like everyone else I have to get up early for school. If I do eat breakfast I usually have: Cinnamon Toast with Butter Some kind of fruit Granola Bar Apple Juice If I have big breakfasts on the weekends I eat stuff like this: Eggs (Scrambled or sunny side up) Omelet (red and green peppers, onions, cheese, etc.) Bacon (fo sho) Sausage (fo sho) Pancakes
I went to Tim Hortons when I went to the cycling world champs a few years ago. The gave me free lunch and a mug for being a cycling fan. It was pretty feffin
School Days are one of the following: -Bowl of Cereal (Cinnamon Life, Cracklin Oat Bran, or Reese Puffs) -Donut + Coffee (Starbucks) Weekends -Ham and Egg Sandwhich -Cinnamon Rolls
That's like what I would have for lunch... But well done on making time for brekky! I had porridge this morning, because I've got a 10k race this afternoon. Porridge and x-country are an awesome mix!