I think I am going too download, and I am downloading this map for one reason, this is just great. Out of all race maps Iv seen and played, this looks fun just by looking at the pics. Awsome job and 5/5
First of all I would like to say thank you everyone for your nominations on this track for best track of the year! This track took me a good 20 or so hours, all the building took a while to make, but im getting better at all of this all the time! Keep it up!! Thanks for the comments!
The train was is really great when i played people usually hit side of it and flip but unbieliveable work. Just a epic race map epic
This looks absolutely phenomenal with the train and the different ways you can go. I think this is going to be one of my favourite race maps. 5/5
Thanks! The train was a fun addition to the map! I would like to thank the guy who may, End of the Line, for the inspiration of the train, also meleemaster246 for the train tracks! haha Also i would like to clear up one thing! It's been going around that I have more than 1 account here on forgehub. Ive heard, AnF The Beast, AnF Ryan, and some other ones. I would like to say that I use this name RK The Beast as my account, those other accounts are not mine, nor do I know who they are. I use RK The Beast, as my account name becuase that was my gammertag before, AnF Ryan. Thank you for taking time to read this, just clearing some things up! AnF
i love this map i make my own race tracks too and i have been trying too master the cannon man turning but it looks like you can do it 10x better than me! i love this map bro 10/10
Wow...man this map is simply amazing. The Asthetics are purely astounding. The whole idea of the train and the scoring system is pretty neat. The interlocking is phenomenal and the only thing i would sudgest is removing the 90 second scoring because it can get quite boring. The racing looks flawless and I can't wait to Play this. Good Job. 5/5 And DL
First of all thanks for the comment, yes, I know that the 90 second wait time could potentially get a bit boring but those 90 seconds are there for 2 reasons. First because it takes time for the racers to get situated in the cars before the go ahead is approved. Second becuase it give the racers time to get a handle of the main part of the track before getting a bit more difficult. AnF
this map is awesome. i like how it isn't just flat it has scenery. thats what makes it the best. good job
wow this is the greatest race map of 2009 I really love the entire original idea all interlocking is smoth i love the train it is so well built 500/5 a v2 is beautiful
Yeah thanks!, i always try to make really awesome designs that go with my tracks now, i used to just add stuff at the end of the tracks that make them look cool, but now i more of incorporate the track into a scene of some sort, it really makes the track stand out! AnF
wow i love this map. the street racing idea is awesomw and origional. the map layout, idea and forging are all 10/10. superb map. gr8 job.
This map has some really nice aesthetic qualities to it, but I think I've already posted here... 4 weeks ago! C'mon, how is this thread still alive? Someone's necro'ed it somewhere, amirite?
idk how i havent seen this map in the time its been up, its just too awsome to miss. this is a definite dl for sure. if the staff would stop featuring mlg maps, this might actually get featured
Thanks dude, I spent alot of time on this track and I hope it gets reconized for what it is. It happens to be the favorite out of all my tracks so im happy to share it with everyone AnF
wow... this map... its amazing. usually I delete maps after playing them, doesnt matter how good they are. but I actually still have this map cause its so awesome