Zombie Camp

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Crusadermike, Feb 9, 2009.


What do you think about the map?

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    2 vote(s)
  2. Okay

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  3. Good

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  4. Pretty Cool

    1 vote(s)
  1. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Description:
    Recommended Players: 6-12
    This is an infection map I made. Basically it's a map that all of foundry is accessible, and half of the map is the campsite with the rest being space between the zombies and the camp. Humans spawn around the campsite in the house, on the watchtower, and on the turret lookout. The alpha zombie spawns around the campsite as well as the humans for various reasons I believe help the gameplay out:
    1. Speed up the pace of the game by indangering humans early on.
    2. Give zombies a definite chance in infecting others for more teamates.
    3. Start the game with the humans learning to use teamwork.
    After the alpha zombie dies, it along with any other zombies spawn in the back hallway. From there, they have two entry points into the camp:
    1. Left = Gateway
    2. Right = Back Alley
    Now for the weapons, grenades, equipment, vehicles, power-ups...

    Respawns = Never
    Machine Gun Turret x 1
    Flamethrower x 1
    Spartan Laser x 1
    Rocket Launcher x 1
    Sentinel Beam x 1
    Assault Rifle x 2
    Battle Rifle x 1
    Sniper Rifle x 1
    Shotgun x 1
    Magnum x 2
    Smg x 2

    Frag Grenades x 2
    Plasma Grenades x 2
    Spike Grenades x 2
    Firebomb Grenades x 2

    Deployable Cover x 1

    Mongoose x 1

    Respawns = Instant
    Custom Power-Up x 1

    Note: Custom Power-Up = Infinite Ammo

    Gametype Description:
    Human Traits:
    = Starting Weapon: Magnum
    = 150% Damage Modifier
    = 100% Gravity
    = 100% Speed
    = Default Color
    = 100% Damage Resistance
    = Normal Shields

    Zombie Traits:
    = Starting Weapon: Energy Sword
    = Instant Kill Damge Modifier
    = 50% Gravity
    = 150% Speed
    = Orange Color
    = 100% Damage Resistance
    = Normal Shields

    Other Information:
    = 7 Rounds
    = 5 Minutes
    = No Friendly Fire

    C-Fection stands for Cat Infection, where the little made up story behind it is where a mutated gene from a cat got into a guy's bloodstream then what do you know... ZOMBIES!!!!!!!

    Picture Time!








    Quick Forge Checklist:
    = Some Interlocking
    = Starting Points
    = Respawn Points

    Thanks for reading! I'd love to know your thoughts about it! God-bless, God-willingly!

    Download Link:

    Map Download Link:
    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Gametype Download Link:
    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Crusadermike, Feb 9, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2009
  2. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks oK and i am willing to try it out, but it looks like it could use a little more merging etc. But i am going to give you props for announcing your Christianity to the world. It is a hard thing to do for most people, even me. We could talk sometime maybe.
    Good start to the maps.

    And lol-first comment
  3. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yea this map has good llooks and stuff but its not really that much fun to play on,i mean dont get me wrong its fun,but it doesnt stand out to me,so next time you make a map,try to make it stand out and stick out from the rest
  4. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What, that post doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.

    I like you idea for this map, and your design is original. However, the concept is not, there are many bases set up on foundry in the main area.
    If you really want people to pay attention to the map, I would suggest adding some gameplay pictures and maybe a traits list for both the humans and zombies.
  5. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, but if you'd like to see, you can read that I have traits lists already. The pics are from forge mode and I guess if you want you could call the campsite as multiple bases, but sure ok, I'mma just call it a campsite to go with the theme more. Well hope I might've cleared up a touch of stuff.
  6. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well if you guys got some suggestions, sounds good to me. To be honest I really like my map and it's just a basic, fun map I play with my friends sometimes. But like for example if you guys don't like the window panels or something, if you don't mind giving your thought about it that'd be welcomed. Happy Face! :D
    EDIT: If you do happen to suggest something, lol well there's exactly $0 left on the budget so I'd have to delete something too.
  7. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks kinda unoriginal and a bit sloppy. It's been done before. You might want to make a v2 with a bit more interlocking and better structures. Sorry no download from me. Oh and don't double post just edit the first one.
  8. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i like it, it kinda does remind me of a camp...but you shouldve used infinite $$$ map...i actually think its pretty good, it is the same type of map i like to make, and at about my forge level... good map, i will dl
  9. xrianwulfx

    xrianwulfx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok map but lokos like you will enconter a few glicthing problems
  10. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You don't really need to puit every weapon in a weapon holder y'know lol

    But the rest of the map looks pretty clean. It looks like you're quite new to forge. I'll give you a few pointers:

    - Walls should be made from merged double boxes with the bottom facing the player. Just a rule of thumb for FH really, and it makes the map look tidier
    - Same thing goes for raised floors. Make them from merged upside-down double boxes to avoid bumps and ugliness :)
    - Err, try not to make a 'building' from a single box and a wall corner for the roof. It just looks weird especially because the 'roof' floats...

    That's really it for bad things. The map seems pretty fun and I like the gametype a lot (especially the infinite ammo custom powerup).

    Good map, but not great.
  11. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i say it is a very good map though it may not be the neatest the gameplay looks pretty good im going to dl and rate it on gameplay later. As for the asthetics as i said not the neatest and you could turn the boxes on their sides to make it look tider however people probably dont always see this about infection maps you may not have even seen this but in a zombie apocalypse things wouldnt look so tidy infact they would be sloppy. i give the map a 4/5 keep on forging, happy face :D God bless
    -Jakob Hunter

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