I need help from a good experienced forger. I need my map to be more merged and cleaned up. If you think you can help me send me a friend request. I'll pay the person that can perfect the map for me a 1 month. Tell me if you want the job through email or Xbox Live. My gamertag is FS iTz FaTaL and my email address is mszhang31@yahoo.com
Lol... that is odd, you could probabally just ask... And is it really necessary to post this 2 times?
yea u could have just asked. if im ever on while ur on send me a Game invite and ill see how much work ur map needs. GT: bkbillsfan
totally agree w/ that The people here aren't forge overlords(most of the time,lol) and they don't own the forge(that's bungie) so why would you pay the people here
Well besides the whole bribe part, which is wrong in its own right, but I am more concerned that he is going to get the credit which should be going to which ever unlucky forger falls into his trap.
is that cat dead?!? i like cats. and what did the starwars guy have to do with anything. wow im confused all over. anyway bribes are bad.
I get the Star Wars reference! I guess I'm a geek. Yeah, no respectable member here would accept this.
If I weren't so busy I would xD. Nah I wouldn't not for the fact that bribery is wrong, because it isn't bribery really, more of a job. Also, I hate making other people's maps unless I get to start from scratch and I know I'd get credit, (I liked doing Furious').
OMFG it's only like one of the oldest jokes on the intrawebs!!!1 In the last Star Wars, when the Rebels are attacking the Death Star II, Admiral Ackbar, or King Calamari, is looking at it, and realizes...IT'S A TRAP! Oh, and I'll do it. Go here for more details.
Lol if hes willing to give am month card can you imagine JUST how much interlocking map merging he probably wants? I dunno about mpa merging as i suck at that particular thing but mate interlcokings easy once you get the hang of it, itd take you around the same amount of time to get good at it yourself as it will to find someone to do it for you The forging 101 has plenty of handy tips in its discussion on how to interlock presisely WEAPON HOLDERS FTW!!!!! btw Ackbar rules whenever i see that clip in anything i always think of something along the lines ot thanks captain obvious! or in this case admiral obvious....
does the purple powerup emit an aura of l337ness that causes all within its power to go on a awesome headshot spree of Ownage with the Br? Yes silly reply but this is a silly topic so they complement each other
All frivolities aside, I actually actually will help you, free of charge. Send me a Friends Request, and I'll try to find a good time to help you.