I guess this is what you would call a very mini-game, well I guess it's creative and stuff. Sounds like it would be hard to win and I guess that's where the challenge is at. Might be fun to try or have a little competition with. Besides that, I personally don't think it seems very fun with a small map like that. Good luck though, eh, if you wanted you could maybe think of keeping the same idea but widening the battle field if you wanted.
Alright, let me help you since nobody understands ur tiny description. - Both teams are inside one of the white rooms in Foundry - The back hallway and empty bulk of Foundry are blocked off - There is a wall of doors cutting the room in half - Teams spawn on either side with only snipers - Players bank shots off the ceiling to the other side to kill ppl There. I hope I helped your chances of getting atleast 1 dl. Not to be mean or anything. Also, to help you, definitely post those action pics, and fast, or FH will hunt you down and probably either rape or kill you. Or hey, maybe both.
That's actually a great idea. I mean, I wouldn't suggest it in those back rooms. You should make an arena in the middle of Foundry, and make it to where it has the exact concept. If you do that, then that'd be worth my download.
two sentences describes it... shoot under, or over, the wall to kill people... how the hell else can I describe it???
My friend made a map just like this called "Off the Floor" any way its alot like this, but to make ur map better make it a little bigger, like outside in the main floor and change the wall to fence wall so u can see them to make it more of a skill map not luck... yup and u cant shoot a sniper through a fence wall i think, im pretty sure
I just wanted to add that this idea is extremely unoriginal. This is at least the 3rd remake of this minigame, and all the others were much larger/better. For an attempt, I give you a 2/5. Other than that, your thread meets standards.
The map looks like it could be fun... but it probably took you less than five minutes to make this... anyway I'm not going to download it. If you do make a v2 try it in a larger forged area.
this actually looks very fun...funny if you get sniped in the face!...its creative, you should have like two rooms then like elimination where you just meet the othere guy from the other side of the map
To me this makes a little sense your description doesn't help much but I'll give it a try... I'm guessing your map is that both teams spawn in the back rooms and they try to snipe each other by hitting the ground to me this isn't just a bright idea...but idk I'll download it and see how much fun it is!
I really love the idea of it. If every shot bounces it makes it better too. But its just too bland. I dont know how but try to add aesthetics or something. I dont know how but if you could find a way then you should do it.
I viewed this earlier and i didn't get it. But now I do you have to shoot under the wall to hit them you should put how to play in the description sso they know what you do and don't stare at the wall for 20 minutes. 3.7/5