Thats Cute : )

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by RK The Beast, Jan 3, 2009.


Tell me about this map!

  1. It's Cute!

    11 vote(s)
  2. It's soooo 7!

    0 vote(s)
  3. It's alright... :p

    1 vote(s)
  1. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    Whats wrong with simple stuff? I dont think that anything Ryan or Me did is really that hard to do no, but it is still a fun track and in our opinion thats really all that matters. Thanks for the comment though.​
  2. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    ok i agree, the fun matters but so does what it looks like and how it works.. dream is saying that its not as good as it could be if you tried harder and used the harder, less simple techniques to make the track.
    you guys are complaining that he gave you guys bad scores, have you seen his maps?, they are smoot, look nice, and are cheatproof,and im sure he spends more time on them.. and im not saying that fun doesnt matter but half the score is also how it looks and plays,....

    the track looks good and uses great placment of items like the scenery
  3. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    I am going to straight up say that this is not our best track. Ryan and I have made way better tracks. This track was rushed, dont ask why because I dont have an ansewr it just was. If you have seen any of our other tracks than you will see they are much better. Im not trying to start anything with you here im just stating the obvious.
  4. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Ok just because your one of Dreams little buddies doesnt mean that you can give a pro score like him, so stay with your tracks and we will stay with ours thank you, dreams scores are atleast helpful, it sounds like your just jelous
  5. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    Easy Ryan! Heal. Lol just kidding but umm, Yes I was talking to this person umm yes he mentioned Dream but I dont know if he is "with him". Also Ryan look I got my sig working its cool lol.
  6. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    ok im not jealous of your tracks, other tracks are better and i might be jealous that i cant make something like them, but i can race on tracks better than yours anytime i want and ,,,, i wasnt giving a pro score like dream, dream was saying stuff to make ur track work right, i was giving advice to help it look nicer, and i know by seeing other tracks that you can.. so stop trying to tell me that im jealous, when in reality i know that im not.

    the name of the track is cute and the layout is great
  7. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    Thank you for your tips I understand what you are saying and on my next track I am going to take like a couple of months to make it and it is going to be a visual map that is amazing. Now in April when I release my new track Tread you can feel free to tell me all about the visual component. Thank you and I am not mad or looking for a fight I appreciate your comment thank you again.
  8. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Idk when this happened but Hayes told me that you challenged me to a forge off, and I accept, me, hayes and antony r working on it right now and i should be finished with it this week, so just message me, oh and another thing, how are you making the track if you have not been on for like ever...

    oh and about that hamster kid above you...
    I pride myself on creating the most amazing accent in the world, so thanks for the comment but i think i can handle making the tracks look amazing...
    oh and thanks for the partial support i.e. good track name and layout...

  9. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ryan I said when my Xbox gets back in February I want to have a forge off just for fun. But nobody can help on our tracks. You know just for kicks. And then we both post them and see which one goes over better.
  10. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh come on!!! melee master totally helped me put a train track in, and velocikiller is giving me mental support/secretary lol dude message me im online too!
  11. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    Ryan umm I dont think we should talk about this here its not about the track so im gonna go on my brotheres xbox add his gamer tag... Dice Man 11
  12. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Dude check your private visitor messages cause we can talk without getting infracted, i sent you one already so txt me back oh and txt me!! omg lol i txt hayes today but he didnt right back, oh and thanks for the comments on the map! yeah, when you asked me before about that one part of the track...... yeah it took me like 3 hours and forever to get it smooth,.....
  13. shortspeedy

    shortspeedy Ancient
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    Wow, great track. I love the width of your track and the drop-in thing. Maybe you could put some obstacles on the huge lanes. I also really love the barrier column in the last pic. Must've been a ***** to make. Great map definate download IF MY XBOX WASN'T BROKEN. *Cough* Sorry.
  14. Led Pump

    Led Pump Ancient
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    This is a very peculiar map, it looks like that there is a large lift that takes you to the top of a map but then sends you forward and maybe a u-turn. Really different map, but the possibilities are definitely endless, i like this map, however i could have been a little cleaner is supose, 4/5 for me :)
    Oh and i think that i saw a lift like that a long time ago in some youtube video but it was backwards, going down, w/e nice track keep it up!
  15. xXSgt MaRsXx

    xXSgt MaRsXx Ancient
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    @ eguitarplaya33
    I didnt see the not fully interlockinz till u mentioned but other then tht it was very fun
  16. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    Haha this looks really fun! I cant believe I didn't think of the barrier turn in the bottom right picture, that was really cool. Some of the floors could be interlocked but only for Asthetic reasons, I dont think they'd make a dramatic difference in the race. Two Thumbs up for Originality and I still think Two more up thumbs up for the map!
  17. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    nice map looks nice interlocked and smooth 4/5
  18. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To help you with your pictures, you might want to make them straight and vertical and not doubled up. Its not against the rules to have it that way, i dont think.. But just a suggestion to so it is easier to maintain for the viewer.

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