Disconnection disconnection is a both symmetric and asymmetric map. It changes depending on which game mode you use. It is set up for all gametypes, but i think Slayer, KOTH, Assault, CTF and Oddball work well. It is better with team games, as it includes bases. Carbines and Plasma Pistol spawns Ghost Garage Cover Zone with two BRs, an AR and two Spike Grenades Scenery and Mongooses (or maybe Mongeese?).Sentinel beam (hidden) and SMGs Spawn Base Overview Base interior Shotgun Hallway Sword hallway Overview Tunnels Tunnel Entrance Overview Hallways Overview The bases themselves are symmetric. More fence wall spawns in asymmetric gametypes. Download Map Here
Eh this is okay. You have some interlocking but it could use more. Also the sort of idea with a middle wall lie that has been used a lot. The maps pretty bland too. The only structures are the bases and the center wall. Add some more complex structures with a mixture of geomerging and interlocking. Also flip your boxes upside down and interlock them to make a smoother floor. This map has potential but it could be made a whole lot better. 2.5/5. Whoop... first post!
The layout looks horrible and unoriginal. Nothing on this map makes me want to download this. I don't mean to be harsh but I don't like this map one bit. The execution of it was poor and this could use tons of improvement. Also the bases look VERY empty and there is too much space outside of the bases to. Aesthetics: 0.5/5 Layout 1/5 Weapon placement: could you give us a complete description of the kind of weapons and the spawn times for each of them please? Overall: 1/5
This is just an okay map. You could geomerge some of those boxes into the ground so there isn't bumps when people are walking, the placement of equipment such as the bubble shield next to the shotgun is bad, and some of the object placement is sloppy. But otherwise it's okay.
shut up dude. Lets see what you have made. The map seems alright. Nothing to special or original. I like the fact that you didn't really use interlocking or geomerging much and still made an alright map. Don't listen to that *** what does he have?
I like it. Really. This map seems to almost replicate relic in a way, what with the middle-wall-column-y thing, with the sword placed at the end. The bases are simple, but placed well, and the weapons aren't too bad. I would suggest on being careful with some of the weapons though; you have a sentinel beam (death ray!) in a fairly open map. If it works, cool, but it could get very overpowered. I'd love to know where the flag spawns, as having the back hallway open could lead to some very interesting situations. Liking: It's simple, it's basic, but it's nice. Good base-structures. Cover seems to be juuuuust plenty enough. Disliking: Sentinel Beams with so much space. Honestly, those things will kick the crap out of everyone All the holes in the "Relic-Wall-Hallway". I can see it being difficult to get the sword, and no real reward for getting it.
thanks I will take this into account. The main tunnel is going to be closed up at one end, and branch out in v2. There may be warthogs. Any opinions? And the turrets in the back alleys?
i like your idea of closing it up and definatley try to add some bigger structures in places that will section gameplay. just a suggestion but i thing it might be better to give the turret spots less cover by taking away the wall and also flipping the boxes to make it look cleaner. also geomergeing the boxes on the bottom of the wall would also make it look nicer too. one more thing, take it easy on the weapin placement. you dont need so many on one spot. like the carbines in the weapon room and the needlers in the wall.
You're the one who needs to shut up. This map is crap, plain and simple. It's not "alright." It's just crap. Why do you like the fact that he used no interlocking or geomerging? Saying this map is crap isn't a personal insult - it's just the truth. You're the only one throwing out insults - "Don't listen to that ***..." "Lets see what you have made." What a joke. There's no rule that says that in order to rate a map (or give a map a bad rating) you have to make something better. Roger Ebert gives movies bad ratings all the time. He's been doing it for decades. And yet, he has never made a movie, but is still considered an authority on what makes a good movie. You don't seem to realize that not all maps posted here are "alright" or better. Sometimes they just suck, and there's nothing wrong with saying so.
Meh... Looks like one of the first maps that were made on Foundry. To much space, uncreative, and predictable. There's a little interlocking but it is bland overall. I agree with AceOfSpades. Not worth a dl at this point but if you fix it up... possibly. V2 better be a huge step up from V1 or you might as well just start from scratch. Astral Symphony: you don't have to say it like it is. PS: N33dZ M0r 1n7ERl0kz
V2 will be posted later today. there is more merging and interlocking and 2 hogs and more structures.