Battle of all Battles (I ran out of names) Greetings forgers. Today I am going to show you my first MLG map: B.O.A.B. Weapons Carbine X2, Respawn times 45 and 60, spare clips: 1 Shotgun X1, Respawn time 60, spare clips: 1 Sniper Rifle X1, Respawn time 60, spare clips: 1 Rocket Launcher X1, Respawn time 120, spare clips: 0 Plasma Rifle X1, Respawn time 60 Supported Gametypes: MLG Team Slayer, possibly MLG CTF This map is my first map made up to MLG standards. It uses lots of free floating platforms to make unique shooting angles. Even me and the friends I tested it with, who don't use very much teamwork during games, used lots of teamwork. For more fun, I put some of the platforms on timers too. Timers: 45 Seconds: 2 lower platforms spawn 1 Minute: A medium and high platform spawn 2 Minutes: Rockets spawn on the highest platform Now onto pics Ramp leading to sniper Another overview (the rockets are moved onto the other platform because this pic was before I made last minute adjustments) How it looks without some of the platforms(this is an old version of the map. The base on the upper left now has more cover and also keep in mind that only this pic is from the old version) Now onto action pics(I'm the pink guy): Gotta watch out for nades NeeDs mOaR Int3rlOckIng Download B.O.A.B. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Download MLG TS : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details All comments and criticism is greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoyed this map by SuperTrooper557.
this map is waaaaaaaay to empty for mlg, the amount of spawn killing would be ridiculous. also the floating walls look a little to random. 2.5/5
The map seems very empty, with almost no layout, no strong bases, and floating platforms that both add and subtract to gameplay. For mlg this in my opinion is a 2/5, but seeing as it could be a regular map, too, I would rate it a 3.5/5 in tht area.
hey looks cool, with that said i have some suggestions. 1. there is a LOT of space in this map, i would suggest adding more cover and scenery. 2. you really dont have any structures on this map, most of it is made up of singular objects, and what structures you do have arent very complex. mix it up a little, tall structures really lend to gameplay. 3. you might want to make it uncheatable: aka people cant get out of the map
Wow, i cant believe no one mentioned that shotguns are not usually allowed in MLG. Also in your first pic it shows rockets on the bridge in the crane. but later it shows them on the same ledge, but with the subtitles rockets have moved. Wtf?
You should add some unique structures to fill up those space. Also yeah those floating bridges do look randomly placed. This definitely needs improvement. Make a v2 with changes. 3/5
Ya shotguns are not allowed in MLG, maulers are. Your map is a little too open for MLG. Try adding more stuff properly and putting more cover and some bases because this map looks like it only fits for 1v1 or 2v2. A suggestion: Don't float walls like that, put some ramps to various section of your map to make the gameplay flow better. EDIT: Please move this to the competitive maps section.
Please read through the links in my sig on MLG standards to improve your knowledge of MLG. Also, if one word could some up your map it would have to be "Random". No real structures anywhere and like others have said, it is really empty. To help you improve on your map design, read this: A comprehensive and collaborative guide to map design - by forgers, for forgers - MLG Forums It has tons of knowledge, information and ideas to help you with creating a competetive map.
Most of the map is open space, and if you give the players a BR start then it won't be that much fun, try putting more towers, obstacles, etc. to fill up the map.
Well yea, it is empty and floating objects are kind of a no-no for mlg. It's not that bad, just keep making maps. And sniper and rockets are to much for that map.