Hey, I'm Velheka (Vel) I like forging, pretty unsurprising considering this is ForgeHub! I love your community, and hope to become more of a part for it. I'm...Well, was, addicted to COD4, but I'm coming back to Halo now. That was slightly stopped however when my Xbox got RROD... I will be back on in about 3/4 weeks... :cry: My intrests are: Reviewing maps Hogging (www.H3Wheelmen.com FTW!) Screenshotting (So you may see some of my pictures floating around, I'll try not to let them suck =\) Thats about it, so, hi! ~Vel
Strangely enough, I prowl around H3Wheelmen every now and again. I like to imagine I'm a good Warthog driver...lol. Care to share some of your tips to our community, perhaps? Welcome!
About Hoggin'? Sure, it's not that hard when you get right down to it. Callouts and tactical routes from the driver. Priotising targets and steady aim from the gunner and you got the basics done.