Well, I bought it and, so far LOVE it! Thanks for your input, I'm not going to touch Halo 3 until I see what happens at the end of Mass Effect! Attack! :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa:
ENJOY! Just dont make the same mistake i did with my first char and put points into intimidate AND charm :squirrel_nono:
I think it's worth $60. I mean the only reason I am able to stop playing is because I get game invites for Halo3 and COD4.
Bioware handed out a game that should be worth about 200$ a copy because its so good for 60$. It is a very fun game, and there are so many choices you can do. I love driving around on planets, and the higher levels you get and more guns you get the funner it is. I'm just sad that it is not Co-op, or Xbox-Live Co-op at least.
I loved Mass Effect with a burning passion that can only be matched by 3 suns, but I still do not think it was worth $60 unless you want to paly through it more than twice. I played through the game three times and I jsut borrowed the game from a friend. You can rent it for five days and you should have enough time to play through the whole game with side quests.
yeah but then you might rush it, frankly some of the main quest planets(because in all honesty some of the other planets are too similar) have some stunning graphics and general awesomeness Also i preferred discovering the side quests on my own,it was alot of fun that way and added to the whole adventure feel to the game e.g i found the dead marines for the cereberus quest chain before talking to admiral karakov One last thing that was really cool was the news reports whenever you went into a lift I especially like it when they talk about me knocking that reporter upside the head XD
I found them too but I never talked to admiral. I finished the game with all Paragon, so I told the Narrorator all the good stuff
i didn't really think that it was worth 60 bucks. it was just too short and all the sidequests were the same. you go in to save somebody and they're either already dead, or they've been turned into zombies.
Mass Effect is amazing! If you played Oblivion and you liked it, you should get it. Although Oblivion is far better so get that :squirrel_wink:
Meh... i'm not allowed to get this game because my dad saw the rating and "sexual content" and "nudity" and said "this game is not for you"... and i didn't even have time to explain that it isn't a sex game. I want it so bad because i've heard that it's pretty much the only good RPG for the 360. Why is it even rated with this though? "sexual content and nudity"?
no... its not worth 60... once u beat the game ur done... and then i had to start over way back near the beginning
This game rocks. 'Nuff said. I think that this game is way better then any Halo 3 single player whatnot that it could have dished out. (A.k.a. I think that this game in better then Halo 3's campaign mode.) As of now, I think that I'm a level 31, and I'm half way full of 'good' points. I have most of the achievements, but I'll need to play it through again to get the rest (duh!). I would recommend this game [Mass Effect] to anybody I know that like Halo 3 and epic story lines.
Your dad wouldn't let you get Mass Effect because of the Mature rating for Blood,Language,Partial Nudity,Sexual Themes, & Violence? But he let you buy Halo 3 which is also a Mature rated game for Blood & Gore,Mild Language, & Violence. Hmm.. That seems a little odd and hypocritical at the same time don't you think?
Now here is a new question, is the Mass Effect DLC worth the 5$? Oh, and to answer your question about the sexuality and stuff in the rating, the most it shows is 2 chicks lower behind region and there are strippers in this one gang run bar.
ya dude... oblivion was way better... mass effect was ok... lots of running and loading and not fun stuff... gave me a headache... but oblivion was interesting and awesome