This is my paper for discrimination, its not fully done yet. I brought it here to ask for your opinions and suggestion, if you have anything you would like to add or see please reply and BOLD any of your changes to the text. Thank you- Y35 ____________________________________________ Discrimination Discrimination has always been around, and during the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century it reached its peak in the United States,most notably after the civil war when the slaves were freed. Whites treated African Americans with ethnocentrism in mind, and oppressed them with segregation and Jim Crow laws. Discrimination over the last century has gone down a significant amount but the damage it left in its wake can never fully be repaired. As long as people have freedom there will always be different opinions, which will lead to arguments and the discrimination of different ethnic and social groups. Discrimination has set its eyes on a new group in the past years; homosexuals are becoming more popular in society, and are being punished for it in some cases. Last year on December 14th a gay man by the name of Chris Willer was called a *** and then punched in the back of the head while he was walking hand in hand with his boyfriend outside of Numbers, a bar that focuses on appealing to the homosexual crowd. He was rushed to the hospital soon after, but no case was filed due to no one getting a good view of the suspect. People like Chris are sexually and physically harassed all the time, from school to home, from random people on the streets to their own bosses at work. This is an example of modern discrimination, and even though Chris believes being gay is right, the man who assaulted him believed differently. Gay hate crimes occur all the time, but are rarely reported to the officials, and many believe that if the attack is reported to the police, they will not be taken seriously. Lesbians also receive similar treatment when it comes to their homosexual beliefs. In a recent report, an Oshwana ******* couple was outside of their children’s elementary school standing next to the father of another child that attended the school. "Which one of you two men spoke to my kid? Dyke Lesbians” he said while spitting in their faces. He then proceeded to punch them in their faces and lower abdomens. The man was charged with assault but the couple is pushing the police to upgrade the charges to a hate crime. Assaults and discrimination acts similar to this happen all the time, but are easily overlooked by other crimes that are deemed more important. Discrimination doesn’t just happen to middle class people, it can happen to anyone. On January 13th, gay musician Patrick Wolf claims he was assaulted by bouncers at a Madonna concert. "Three songs in, me and my man were kissing and then the bouncers came up to me and said, 'Can you stop that? This is a family venue.'" He then claims that they were handcuffed and beat up outside of the concert. Discrimination is still very much alive in today’s society, and It will continue to affect many lives. The best thing to do would be to try and contain this discrimination and attempt to live side by side with these other social communities. If we can bring ourselves to think of everyone as an equal, then discrimination will be less of a problem in many lives, and hate crimes will be significantly reduced for the time being.
Wow this is a very good essay. I love all of the references you have in here. Was it supposed to be mostly about sexual discrimination?
Yes, i had to write a essay on discrimination over the past century. So i chose to do mine on Gays and Lesbians.
Was it long enough? It was good, but mine usually have to be like twice the size of that. Doesn't matter if I can do it right in 100 words, I have to do it right in 300 words.
I agree, looks like a great essay. I'm in an enhanced learning class and i think its good so highfivezz. Nice topic to chose it on, discrimination against gays is disgusting now adayz. Good luck on a good grade.
Discrimination Discrimination has always been around, and during the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century it reached its peak in the United States, most notably after the civil war when the slaves were freed. Whites treated African Americans with ethnocentrism in mind, and oppressed them with segregation and Jim Crow laws. Discrimination over the last century has gone down a significant amount but the damage it left in its wake can never fully be repaired. As long as people have freedom there will always be different opinions, which will lead to arguments and the discrimination of different ethnic and social groups. Discrimination has set its eyes on a new group in the past years; homosexuals are becoming more popular in society, and are being punished for it in some cases. Last year on December 14th a gay man by the name of Chris Willer was called a *** and then sucker punched in the back of the head while he was walking hand in hand with his boyfriend outside of Numbers, a bar that focuses on appealing to the homosexual crowd. He was then rushed to the hospital soon after, but no case was filed due to no one getting a good view of the suspect. People like Chris are sexually and physically harassed all the time, from school to home, from random people on the streets to their own bosses at work. This is an example of modern discrimination, and even though Chris believes being gay is right, the man who assaulted him believed differently. Gay hate crimes occur all the time, but are rarely reported to the officials, and many believe that if the attack is reported to the police, they will not be taken purposefully(Maybe choose another word). Lesbians also receive similar treatment when it comes to their homosexual beliefs. In a recent report, an Oshwana ******* couple was outside of their children’s elementary school standing next to the father of another child that attended the school. "Which one of you two men(Took away apostrophes and italicized it) spoke to my kid? Dyke Lesbians” he said while spitting in their faces. He then proceeded to punch them in their faces and lower abdomens. The man was charged with assault but the couple is pushing the police to upgrade the charges to a hate crime. Assaults and discrimination acts similar to this happen all the time, but are easily overlooked by other crimes that are deemed more important. Discrimination doesn’t just happen to middle class people, it can happen to anyone. On January 13th, gay musician Patrick Wolf claims he was assaulted by bouncers at a Madonna concert. "Three songs in, me and my man were kissing and then the bouncers came up to me and said, 'Can you stop that? This is a family venue.'" He then claims that they were handcuffed and beat up outside of the concert. Discrimination is still very much alive in today’s society, and It will continue to affect many lives. The best thing to do would be to try and contain this discrimination, and attempt to live side by side with these other social communities. If we can bring ourselves to think of everyone as an equal(No quotation marks), then discrimination will be less of a problem in many lives, and hate crimes will be significantly reduced for the time being. I fixed all of the grammatical errors I could find and reworded a few sentences to make more sense and use some better vocabulary. Words with strikes through them should be removed, imo. Hope I helped.
Its around 2 pages double spaced. Forgehubs fonts are a bit smaller and do not allow for tabs, double spacing, headers, etc. You helped a great amount, thank you very much for taking the time to do this. Agreed, i was reading the article and got sidetracked.
No problem. I just got done writing an essay over discrimination and apartheid in Africa during and after imperialism, and just thought I would help out with stuff I was learning.
You start the essay by talking generally and broadly about discrimination, then zoom in way too fast into homophobia. Either get a smoother transition, or change the first bit.
well, im really sorry if you get offended by this, but this is just getting rediculous. please dont assume im racist people, although im sure me saying this will make no difference in the world. i havent read youre entire paper, but id like to focus on the black discrimination for a sec. why is it everyone is always constantly talking about this? blacks are almost never persecuted anymore. i am giving you the word of an honar student, a christian, an AMERICAN, when is tell you the number of racist people that i have met or seen "discriminate" is under 10. its rediculous how we need to all agree that bad people are still at a formitable force. how often do blacks throw out the "are you racist?" comment? its like theyre assuming every third person is one of em, and homosexuals assume the same. didnt a black man just become president? my great great great parents may have been racist, but i am sure not, and anyone who is, is immidiately subject to humiliation and discrimination himself. does the KKK exhist? sure, but if youd like to count the 100 or so members, then be my guest. its a cult, like i have to remind everyone what my great great great grandpa MIGHT HAVE DONE. im different, as im sure 99.9 percent of the exhisting population is. and its scientific too, if you add up all the people not racist now, then they would multiply in numbers quicker, especially over 50 years, not to mention all the children who then decided discrimination was rediculous, like my dad, whos father was racist, before he passed away 13 years ago. the numbers have dwindled, more drastically then anyone would believe. show humbleness, and respect, but dont blow it everywhere you go. "hey you! remember what my great great great grandpa did to your race? well i dont think thats cool, and i wanted you to know that i think its not cool. so we're cool right?". again, i hope i havent offended anyone, but this just had to get off my chest. peg me racist, because i have a different oppinion. i think its about time whites were forgiven for being the distant heirs of those who chose to do those horrible things. i never did it, and i dont know anyone who does. i woulndt want to. im sorry, i didnt read all your paper, but its just the same old thing to me. i know youre not racist, or against homosexuality, i never would have assumed anyway. this is no longer a problem in my book, nor do i think it should be a problem in anyones. this is america. we have changed, and i think its time we forgave ourselves. the past is past.
oh shi- In response, homosexuality discrimination is a current problem. Is racism towards African Americans a problem? No, and if it is it's only in small doses. Rather, I think the problem is people who want to play up the "race card", as you called it. But this isn't a real problem either. America has moved on. And just because there is a black president, doesn't mean that you can say whatever you want about African Americans.
Maybe it's easy for you to just easily say that racism doesn't exist anymore, being the typical portrayal of a white American kid. Obviously, you've never ventured very far out of your 'comfortable zone' where 'discrimination isn't real'. If you came where I lived and said things like that, I'm pretty sure at least 8 different ethnicities would have beaten the **** out of you. Where do you live, again? Texas? Come on, you live in ****ing TEXAS. How do you NOT see discrimination?
Nemi is right, you might have wanted to talk a bit about racial discrimination afterwards, especially if you need more words. Nice job Shatakai too.
Warning: This statement comes from a black 17-yr-old guy in D.C.! Alright i just want to get this off my chest, too. It seems America does the opposite of what it's worried about and focuses on it. Discrimination was prevalent for an amount of time in the 50's and 60's, and yet, after JFK and others push the Civil Rights Act through Congress in 1964 (don't quote me), more than 40 years later we (black people) are pulling the race card left and right. We have our freedom, we have our equality. It's just that black people feel the need to blame it (slavery, discrimination) on the white man. As a race, black people can't own up to their problems, and stop using excuses for help. Which brings up another point (in my mind. lol) : What difference does it make if ONE BLACK MAN MAKES IT TO THE WHITE HOUSE?! (In reference to an earlier post) It's not like he can pardon crimes because the guy with his homeboys in Brooklyn, or the ATL, or Compton, or Houston, or wherever, did a drive-by with stolen guns and weed in the car, is black. He has no power to order money be mailed to your baby-moma's doorstep so she can pay for the rent and second abortion, just cause she's black. Also, white people have to stop saying, "Didn't a black man just become president?" Don't YOU see a problem with some black man JUST becoming president? It's no excuse for what this country has done to a race in the past. Have any of you (yes, earlier posts, and YOU, community) even talked to an intelligent (NOT one smoking weed) black man on a topic like this? i'll go back on topic: Yavi, it's an awesome paper. opening transition was shaky, as stated before, but great nonetheless. i hope you get an A+.
We assume that people are like that pecause everyone IS like that. The fact that the word "gay" is used as an insult sickens me, so I assume the worst of everyone. Seriously, now I've admitted to being gay, I get people talking about me behind my back, my best friends making rogue comments mid-conversation with me. I've also got into 3 fights since then, too. Some twat will come up to me, yell "OI, YOU LITTLE ***** ****!" and punch me in the face. Then it goes from there. It sucks.
I hate people that do that no i'm not gay but i don't like seeing people criticized over the way they are. Oh and the report thing excellent you should get A+ and TWO cookies : ]
I'm sorry you have to live through that. if i were you, tho, i would smack him (and kill him) with my big **** and spawn kill him at the same time across the map (globe?) epiklol.
Oh, it has its upsides. For example, chavs with bigger mouths than fists will be going "if you ever come near me I'll beat the **** out of you" to me sometimes. Sop I just go "if you ever threaten me again, I'll beat the **** out of so that I can **** you up the arse and tear your arsehole. I dunno whether I'll be able to do that though, because it seems as though you are just a walking arsehole...". You can own a lot of people my way. But yeah even though I get a lot of stick, you get used to it. You just gradually learn to not care what anyone thinks. This essay is really good. I actually read it all