Liking a style is not a good reason. That's just saying I like mac better than PC. You didn't give a reason why you liked his style better, besides "Sephia is just dumb." Once again, I don't mean to try and win, I just want a fair match.
Can I give my reasons now then? Alright, let's go. 1. I don't like Sepia. 2. Bad Renders 3. Terrible Font 4. What is that ugly random thing in the back? There's 4 reasons. Is that enough? Oh, and about Diz's: 1.I like the colors. 2. Nice effect 3. Nice Render 4. Nice Overall Look. Are you happy now?
You're an idiot. I have to admit, you were a fun challenge, and increased my self-esteem. I never thought I would ever challenge you when I was just starting out. In fact, your sigs set a goal for me. To be able to get level with you and a couple of the other sig makers is awesome. I still can't believe I'm there. So the answer is yes, but not this week. I'm busy.
No, you just don't want to realize you lost. ''Alright Diz, you won. Congrats. Oh, wait, look that post seems weird. Oh, never mind. Congrats. OH WAIT LOOK AT THAT POST. INVALID POST IS INVALID'' Just accept defeat.
And this is why you're an idiot. I just admitted defeat ten minutes ago. Would you like me to go and point fingers for you? Oh, and secondly, you can't change you reasons. Think of it this way; The jury have finally come to a decision, and give stupid reasons such as yours. Court does not find it liable, so the let the man go. Later on, the jury change their mind and decisions, and want to accuse him again. You know what? YOU CAN'T. Double Jeopardy.
I vote for.....Frag Man - The Style is much more refined (I.E not random blue **** all on one side...) - It sticks to one theme, and adds to said theme. - The stock art is pretty nice and the coloring relates to the theme of "Memories".