
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ren Heowein, Feb 7, 2009.

  1. Ren Heowein

    Ren Heowein Ancient
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    Hey all,
    I've been following the goings on here for a while and even posted a few maps and one problem pops up all the time.
    When and where can a teleporter be used in a fun and effective way?
    I've seen and made maps that were destroyed by bad tele placement. But I have also seen great maps that use them.
    So I was wondering if you guys had ideas and examples of where and how teleporters can be used in an effective way.
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't really use teleporters in my maps partly because I make kind of smaller maps and becauae I think it's way to easy to get from place to place with them. Like for CTF, It's gotta be a challenge to get to the flag... not just *teleport* you're there. I have started to use them aesthetically though. They can make a map really pop out if you use teleporters in a cool-looking way.
  3. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    Well I can talk about using them competitively, but for fun? like a minigame?
    Maybe you should play Fly Bird Fly on Narrows.
  4. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    Teleporters i find look horrible just standing up straight on the ground. I like to mess around with them, like if they take you into a room, have a door interlocked in the wall, and have a teleporter interlocked into that, so you cant see it, but when you walk into it, you teleport. things like that make it more unique and pleasing, then i normal teleporter standing up normally. Teleporters are becoming a very big thing in minigame maps, where people find some weird use for them, which i have no idea how it was thought up.
  5. Ren Heowein

    Ren Heowein Ancient
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    Yeah I'm talking about competetive play mainly slayer/team slayer.
  6. Fallen Hero

    Fallen Hero Ancient
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    So far only one map uses teleporters by default (Cold Storage) and with good reason. Bungie knows what makes a map flow and that is not teleporters. So for a slayer/team slayer map, just don't use them at all.
  7. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    You're right. Many people fail to utilize the tool of teleportation.
    Reasons Why:

    • Random Placement
    • Campable/Blockable
    • Overpowered
    • Necessary
    What I mean by random placement is that people try to use teleporters where they don't belong. The map flows well until you hit a teleporter that destroys the flow. Some maps are just not meant to use teleporters.

    You have to make sure that the teleporter isn't campable or easily blockable. How fun is it to go through a sender and instantly be killed. Not fun at all. The way you go about this is making it difficult to camp it. For example, if a player is safe in a confined room which holds a reciever/two-way node, they have no reason to go any where else. If the area is open or has danger to some effect, the camper cannot stay focused on the teleporter because he/she has to concentrate on what else is going on.

    Overpowered is easy to under stand. Every one has played at maps that has a teleporter that sent you to a place where you could easily dominate the team. This is a no-no.

    The last reason I have why people don't use them efficiently is necessity*. You should not have to use teleporters to play, they should be optional. This is debatable, but generally they do not work. Some can however, such as that one Halo:CE map.

    *This really only applies to competitive style maps.

    2 main reason for teleporters:

    • Travel
    • Advantage
    Travel is self explanatory. You want the players to use them to get them somewhere. They need to be useful and reasonable.

    Brings player from Base 1 to Area 1
    Brings player from Floor 1 to Floor 2

    Brings player from Base 1 to Right out side Base 1

    Brings player from Area 1 to Area 2
    Brings player from Base 1 to Area 1

    Sword spawn to Rocket spawn
    Base 1 to Base 2

    For travel, Coldstorage is a pretty good example. The best would be Halo: CE's or H2's Warlock. I useful because it takes you to the other side. It is reasonable because it doesn't bring you to a point of interest or a Base.

    Advantage must not be confused with Overpowered. A teleporter could give you an advantage, but not too much. A good exapmle of this is H:CE's Damnation.

    The advantage should be a point of interest. Transactionzero put it best.

    That is what the advantage could be.

    Well, that;s my take on it. I hope that helps.

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