Industrial V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Bl4ckhawk, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello again forgehub. I'm back with the completely re-designed Industrial. There are new bases, new weapons, a completely redone back end, new front end asthetics, and gameplay that leaves you on the edge of your seat until the very last kill. 4-8 players recommended, good for slayer, team slayer.the original Industrial isnt available anymore, srry.
    Industrial V2
    Weapons -
    bubble shield
    deployable covers
    plasma pistols
    flame grenade

    The overview - this is the bio - facility you will fight for
    This is the back end base completely redone ofcoarse
    My all famouse "flame cubby" from my hit, Security Six
    The defenders base (identical to attackers)...
    The Attackers base...
    The middle grounds
    better asthetics
    Front end asthetics...thts a truck to the right
    This is one side of the map, which is completely identical to the otherside
    Yours truely...

    To download, click here... : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details


    My other maps -
    Death fracture
    Security Six
    Otehrside V2

  2. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    WOw dude this is awsome symetrical and all... i like it alot and its very smmoth and very ansthetically pleasing(still dont no how to spell) yea and the barrel dipencer thing is awsome... but in my opinion the flamethrower only works in enclosed maps like ur security six, but i guess its ok here
    great 5/5
  3. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW. I remember seeing your old one and I have got to say this is a HUGE improvement. Great job on the aesthetics. Love the interlocking and the layout. Much better than your old one. Can't wait to clear space on my hard drive. I'll just put it on my fileshare. Nicely done. 5/5
  4. halo3rockstar

    halo3rockstar Ancient
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    looks pretty good
    asthetics are great and layout is good as well overall a 4/5

    i would recomend removing the flame thrower because it is usually never a good idea
  5. Toofgib

    Toofgib Ancient
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    Good Job

    Wow this is great I loved the first industrial I still play it all the time. This is a nice improvement on the first version, this time around its alot more open, on the v1 version after I played so many games on it I felt like it was getting cramped up, after testing this though the game play is alot smoother. I like the flamethrower spot thats really cool. The merging is nice everything looks really neat and all. I still love those ledges on the wall there crazy for coverfire.

    Excellent Job
  6. En3rgySword

    En3rgySword Ancient
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    Looks very nice, great interlocking. Flame cubby. Lulz.
  7. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    dude, great v2! i loved the first industrial so i was really anticipating the v2 to be epic... and epic it is... indeed. 4.9/5 and a dl. ill get back to you with a more in-depth review after ive played on it.
  8. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    hey nice! huge improvement from the original map! I would put a gravity hammer behind the shield door though. (Love the barrel contraption). This map has a it. I'll give you a 3.5/5
  9. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    It's sad how high the standards have gotten here. 4/5? Why? There are no mistakes on the map. EVERYTHING the creator wanted is there. No sloppiness whatsoever. The ONLY reason why ANYONE could be rating this map 4/5 is if they don't like the TYPE of map this is.

    If you don't like open maps, does that mean avalanche is a 4/5? No. It just means that you don't like open maps. There is nothing wrong with avalanche. It still deserves a 5/5 because there aren't any parts of the map where you can fall through cracks and crap right? The MAP deserves a 5/5. The TYPE of map it is may be a 4/5 for you, but that is NOT what we are judging. We are judging whether or not a map looks good, and whether or not it works. I bet 80% of the people who posted in this thread could not make this map, yet will not rate it 5/5 because they are comparing it to a featured map.
  10. IX ParamouR XI

    IX ParamouR XI Ancient
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    Very well done, asthetics are great, interlocking and geomerging are superb. Keep it up! Gameplay looks great, haven't played yet, though. 5/5
  11. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks to all and yes, I do agree with the fact that the "flame cubby" doesnt really go with this map. Thats the only thing im regretting about this map, but then again, I think to myself...wat else could go there? Thanks again to all I'm glad you all like it!
  12. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like the flame cubby, and everything else about this map. I'm glad you remade this, the original was good. Nice geomerging, interlox, And Those Aesthetics Are Beautiful! 4.6/5 overall!
  13. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    I'm not a fan of the flame cubby and, in a few areas (like the corner the battle rifle is leaning against in the first picture) where you have interlocking. I'm a fan of sparse interlocking that only serves to further the map's logical purpose. Too much interlocking can be aesthetically distracting. That being sad, I love the "hills" you've made on either side of the bases. Original, well-done, etc.

    Not bad at all, overall. I love the barrel-loader aesthetic touch, as well.
  14. EleKtRa

    EleKtRa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great v2 i love the aesthetics and layout of the map but the bases look a bit too close in the pictures? But im not too shore yet im going to dowload and test. The falmethrower is not a very good idea in a map like this and is that the only weapon? If it isnt can you point out the others in the pics. 4.8/5 for me :D
  15. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Alright I downloaded it and played a couple of matches on it. There's a bit to much interlocking/geomerging for my taste but oh well. I think this is a good map, however it is possible to escape the map by jumping on the truck and then to the top of the wall. Might want to fix that. Anyway nice map (and post). Keep up the good forging!

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