Requirement(s): Must have at least 2 legit reasons to vote for said person The reason can NOT be "because you like it" or "it looks cool", etc. Can not be biased, i.e. Dizfunky is awesome (although this is true, it is not going to be accepted) Frag Man Dizfunky Vote away! Ends at 6PM CST Feb. 08.
Diz Diz is awesome, his looks cool and I like it I like the blue lines effects in diz's Don't like frag mans concept or execution I despise frag man and wouldn't vote for his even if he had painted the mona lisa
Frag Although I'm not sure whether he pulled it off or not, I like the concept behind his sig i.e. memories = sepia photographs... I think it'd look better with the left bit of the back photograph cropped off though. Also I'm kinda tired of seeing the same C4D-ish effects like the ones in Diz's sig, not that it looks bad, it's just overdone.
Frag Man -Diz's sig just looks like the normal sig that you see around; Frag's is something new I haven't seen before. -The pictures look perfectly placed and it has a nice theme.
Frag Man - Like TDH said, sepia looks good on the sig - The blur on the background pictures is good and the frame to make them look like actual snaps adds volumes to the sig - Diz's right side is good but the left side of the sig is strange looking and doesn't really fit with the other half. I dunno, Frag's has feeling and heart
FragMan I like the concept of the thrown down/scattered picture sig I dont like how the left side of Diz'z sig is completely different
Dizfunky Sepia is ugly... Didn't really like the pics/render/etc, either. Dizfunky's is more my style. Plus, his name is Cole Funk. Who wouldn't vote for him..? *looks up*
Diz * Frags sig is colourless, thus dull and boring * I get what hes trying to do but the overall execution was poor * Everyone knows I love Dante and the devil may cry series * It may be hard on the eyes but is done well, some places the C4Ds are placed perfectly, others, not so much * The sig is Lively and not at all flat. Ways to improve * Dim the colours down abit * Don't cram everything together Finaly, the sig is very good, good job.
Dizz. I like traditional sigs with that extra pizazz and sexiness. This has it. It's bright and colorful and I love the design. Frag's has a better idea to it, but Diz has my vote here.
Diz for shure frag man's concept is overdone, and even tho it's not diz's best it's still better than the common sepia tone stuff.
Diz Frags looks too blurry to me, and it's very monotone (on purpose, I know, but still). I prefer effects on a sig that make it "BEWM".
Frag The way his signature looks like photos stacked up on top of another makes it look neat. The addition of the bland color makes it look well done at the same time. Although he could have added more effects, he got the job done. As for Diz, it just looks like another signature. Nothing special about this one, just another stock with C4Ds added to it. It's good yes, but not original.
Frag Man... This is a hard choice indeed; I like Dizfunky's with the use of the colors but I have to go with Frag Man. Reasons: - Like Mace said I also like the concept of thrown around pictures. (It gives me the feeling of looking at a scrap book.) - Diz's sig I've seen done a million times over and I'm tired of the same old thing; While Frag has a certain look of simplicity and a true feeling of the word "Memories" within it. Sorry Diz; I know your one of my good friends but I think I like Frag Man's more.
I liked them both but I'm going to have to go with Dizfunky. Frag had a good concept, but its a bit overdone, and I didn't like the text; maybe it was too small. Dizfunky wins for the awesome purple effect he put in. The lighting is great too. Both of you did a great job. Maybe next time, Frag.