HERE!!!! I remember this game from the N64... I was like 6 when I started playing it. This game is definitely in my top 5 games every, and my first real game. Definite buy for me. If it were for Wii, I probably would've bought a Wii. Yay? Can someone post an article maybe from 1Up or IGN?
i. loved. banjo tooie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! best game ever!! the worlds were so cool so i will list all of my favorite ones the witch's circus (where you could get the cheeseburger and the fries ) the jolly roger place the ice and fire place the jiggy palace that was all golden D i loved that game so much
I loved both games so much. I started playing when I was 7 (I think) and I loved it. I liked banjo tooie even better!
I always thought Kazooie would kill Banjo since likes to stick him in inappropriate places. Ground break anyone?
I have a working 64 plugged into my TV right out in my living room, I think I'll go play some after I'm done on the computer. Anyone else got a 64 that still works? I beat Pokemon Snap yesterday like twice
Lol... I do. My brothers beat Pokemon snap in about 30 minutes. This game will be fun. I remember when I couldn't get in to some level, but I glitched in to it through the window instead of using the gate. LOl...
My record of beating Pokemon Snap is 17minutes and 39seconds, and thats still having over 150,000+ overall score. My brother timed me because I beat it like five times one day and he was like "OMG u uze hax! I wun C if u do or Not 'nd I R gun Tiem you 2 maek shure!"
love love love LOVE that game, i would play the 64 for hours XD and im sooo damn excited for this new one, you have no idea.
omg i remeber the 64 one i could never stop playing it. cant wait till this new one comes out the graphics look sweet in the trailer for it.,.,.,
Oh id almost forgotten that game I used to be a die hard nintendo fan till halo:CE roped me in I fi remember tho microsoft bought rare (conker live and reloaded for xbox) So banjoe threeie will probly be on sbox 360....with guns(im sorry but microsoft wont do it the same justice nintendo did)
I was a big fan of Banjo Kazooie and Tooie. If I weren't so busy I'd probably go play them. They were both great games. I'm really looking forward to another one even if it ends up kid-ish.
Rare is partly owned by Moneysoft. There's about a 75% that this game will epically suck, but maybe it'll be better. But I doubt it. Side note: I never finished it. It got to hard for me. lol.
Hehe i finished twoie before the first one XD The first one was really hard until you unlocked the double health puzzle which i only found after great games and i dont care if they were kiddie i mean come one your story is a bear with a bird in his backpack that fart eggs at the enemy its hardly mature plot is it lol Still hope it does come out
I beat the game yesterday Gruntilda is a pain in the ass on the first one. My favorite level is Click Clock Wood, the four seasons one.
Conker's bad fur day ruled my life for the longest time. cant get enough of that fowl languaged and vulgar game