Sand Rider Made by - lil kyle 15 and HT FleckO5 Map - Sandtrap Gametype - RACERACKS Download Here - Description - This is a fast tournament like racetrack that has a bunch of turns that can be challenging if you are new at racing, but once you find a line this track is awesome. It is based off of the corners map from standoff and this track features Drift Turning and downhill terrain jumps. This track is just plain out fun, and VERY long for a sandtrap racetrack. Please download and rate... Thanks! Pictures - I hope you enjoy our newest track!
Well well i like the map but it is all flatland. I will D/L but maybe if you want make a v2 withn some interlocking, geomerging, and floating
First off its almost impossible to interlock and geomerge on this map =P but anyways, the track is not completely flat, and for a sandtrap racetrack, people on HaloTracks say its probably one of the better sandtrap tracks that there are...
its is a nice map but it has to be flat land.... its sandtrap. but good job i would download but que is full. 5/5 for sandtrap
Thanks im glad you relized that its REALLY hard to make objects float on but thanks anyways I hope that you end up liking it really well...
I do think it is posible to geo merge but is a 1 in 1000 chance that it will stay in place, and i am being generous with that number.
I like that you tried to make a map on sandtrap, but racetracks are hard to make, mainly because the items you have to forge with. Good job though. And it is usually IMPOSSIBLE to interlock and geomerge on a pre dlc map. It will most likely 90% of the time, won't geo or interlock. I won't download this, too much room on my hard drive and I quited race maps a while back. 4/5
Hahaha. Classic. To be honest, I think you've done Sandtrap justice. Pre-DLC maps are always horrible to make race maps on, because cheating is very easy. Assumign you have a decent party, I can see this rally being good fun.
did he know what he was saying? probably not but its a great looking map. i would clear my que to download but my dad took my xbox. Sorry