I don't know if I am allowed to post this or if this is even in the right place but I have an idea. Lately I've seen mods uploaded to fileshares and I think if a modder worked hard enough they could make an unlimited item and budget map. Reply with your thoughts and If you are willing to work on this, thanks!
Excuse me, I am well aware of this. I don't appreciate you treating me like I am a noob. I have been in the Halo community for a long time. I simple thought it be kewl if there was a map with unlimited budget AND unlimited items combined.
I don't see the benefits of such an endeavor, especially if anything you create will get you banned from Live (yes, they can auto-detect if your console or game is modded). I honestly don't think this is the site for such a discussion, as we work in the realm of the un-modded game. --dc
Unlimited items + unlimited budget = serious lag dude. IMO moddings no fun. I just want to play my game with out cheaters.
Or your Xbox will a'splode. One or the other. I have already seen my xbox freeze once during a forge session with an glitched unlimited budget map, so modding any further will likely result in harm to your 'box.
well if this happened the maps would be crazy like everyone would make insane maps but im not smart enough to know how to mod or glitch to do this
i hate that people beileave the modding stereotype, i mean yeah matchmaking modders are dicks, but that doesn't mean custom game modders are, they are usually pretty cool. bottom line "not all modders are cheaters" most are nice people.
Great he jumps to conclusions.... Sax was merely pointing it out in case you didnt know Imo acting like someone calling you a n00b when they clearly are simply trying to help is being a n00b but you wouldnt be doing that would you?No of course not...or maybe not..wait what?anyway back on topic Clearly you didnt know that that much stuff causes serious lag Thanks to Viggie you definately do now Altho the glitch atm has mixed reviews it may well work and if so Why go to all the trouble of modding a map All the risk of being banned for copyright infringement(i only assume thats what the whole anti modding is about feel free to correct me) For a map that will result in idiots being able to make l337 lagtastic maps When there is already a glitch that allows people to this to a degree Besides half the fun of modding is to find these loopholes bungie left in there by accident. would it be half as much fun if we had it all handed to us? Not trying to be offensive here btw so dont go assuming im calling you a n00b or anything but think through things before you post topics Hurray for essays..lol and im only getting C's in english...now if only "Write a page on modding maps on halo3" came up on the junor cert XD
I simply disagree with this being the forum/website to discuss such a topic. I don't want this to overshadow all of the good and honest things we are doing with forge here and now. I'm not calling you "bad" or "dishonest" but a lot of us have a bad taste in our mouth from the Halo 2 modding days. We would rather see NO MODDING, than a little bit of innocent and fun modding. --dc
There is really no point in this - the maps would be laggy, take up too much space, and would be against the ToS.
basically the modded forge files change what should spawn there and replace it with something else. That is why the elephants work. it is in the coding and there is nowhere that prevents it from being in the forge file. So in theory the person can bypass the budget and get unlimited objects. The game might prevent more than, say, 1 flamethrower, from being placed but I doubt it.
Modding a map is not cheating it is just breaking bungies rules. There have been some modded maps on bungie latley and I personally think they are really cool. I would like to see this, however I am not sure that this is the place to discuss it. We are good friends with bungie and respect their rules and regulations. I will talk to TDF about this topic. -Donuts
I understand all your point of views. And I already knew that maps could lag, he did not remind me. Like I said I've been in the Halo community for a long time and have a lot of gaming common sense. I'm against modders too, when they deal with matchmaking but I would love if there was a way to have unlimited items so more intense maps can be created. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions but ever since I've join forge hub I feel that I've been treated like one when I know I deserve more than that.
The problem is, you're seeing this from the consumer end, and not from the modding end. And I already don't like the Unlimited Budget Glitch, it lags too much for me. Unlimited Items, especially if it's a modded meta file would probably be worse.
Maybe if you had a VERY good computer programmer who new alot about the xboxs processing power etc He/She might be able to install a "lag meter" into their modded map to stop us going overboard tbh tho i dont feel we need it all that much i think bungie realises what a cash cow forgeable maps are and may be giving us an even better foudry with the legendary map pack
I hope that's sarcasm, otherwise I'm going to go into rant-mode on why there's never going to be a good freeware game like Halo, time/money-wise.