TGIF #26 PICTURE RECAP Peasant Hunt on Forgotten Crypt [4] "Panic Room" "He had no confidence in the corner of confidence" BEFORE "They seem to have confidence" AFTER "Guess not" Jenga on Jenga Tower X [6] BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER CONQUEST V3 on The Cellars [3] "Oh the humanity!" "First shot of the game" "Its a legitimate strategy" Convoy Ambush on Convoy Tunnel [2] BEFORE AFTER Help on the way right? [3] "Boiler Room" "You better run to your spawn" "The Final Boss has no mercy" Multi-Flag on Constrictor v2 [2] "Two Guass better than 1" "Bubble shield cant protect you from uber pwnage"
Cat Mouse Chase on Satellite Mice v4 [2] "Beautiful Disaster" "Should get a sharpshooter medal for that shot" Tremor N Mouse on Tremor N Mouse [5] "WHAT DO THE FIVE FINGERS SAY TO THE FACE!" "SLAP!!!" "I sweat i didnt see him" BEFORE "Think your safe huh?" AFTER "Cheaters never prosper" Tremor Blast on Iced Valley [3] "Goosin' Derty" BEFORE AFTER At this point I usually have a section called Play of the Night. Well there wasn't such a play this Night. So i would like to present for the first time Betrayal of the Night. Did i mention there were two? BETRAYALS OF THE NIGHT [10] 1A. "Vicious Vice just living on the edge, where he like to be" 1B. "Racer X also lives on the edge and run into me" 1C. "I think i can survive" 1D. "Betrayal" 2A. "Vicious Vice minding his own business in the front. Running Chron behind in the passenger seat being driven by Vorpal Saint. Running Chron is jealous of Vice and shoots a Bruteshot at him" 2B. "Direct Hit" 2C. "And I'm Flipping" 2D. "And Flipping" 2E. "I land and look to my team for answers to what happen" 2F. "Betrayal"
Soviet Border on Iron Curtain [2] "Kiiljoy!!" "Night time ride ending badly" Team Rave Remix on Sapphire[3] "Just the beginning of the opponents end" "Second Killing Spree" "How to get 91 points in TRR" | 33kills | 10 assists | 15 deaths | 11 double kills | 3 triple kills | overkill | 2 killing sprees | 4 sticks | = 91 points BTB Conquest on Tunnels [2] "Reenactment of Halo Wars" "The only thing that could hold them in place was a broken down mongoose" GROUP PICTURES [1] "Strike a pose" Catapult Pictures [9] And that complete its. Hope you enjoyed and see you in 2 weeks. I leave with this video recap [MEDIA][/MEDIA]
Great TGIF, you gotta laugh at Chron bruteshotting you. Yay, you put my overkill, splatter, killing frenzy, mmm..brains. You also gotta love me splattering the dude on the dumpster. But i have to say, the best moments of the night were when you were blown up at the cat's spawn in cat and mouse and when you and me were on the pallet in forgotton crypt and the minotaur came in and didn't see us.
I am in the "Killjoy!" picture on "Soviet Border." Spartan with security head and shoulders, katana on back. I am also the only yellow spartan in the "Strike a pose" screenshot. But nevermind me, this TGIF sure was strange! First I joined Insane's party, then I joined Linubidix's party, and then finaly I joined yours. Out of all of them, I enjoyed yours the most because you stayed the longest... both Insane and Linubidix left and abandoned their party's very shortly after they started. You, however... well... abandoned your party to. But you left a good man in charge, I think! All I know is that Deathtoll got lead at one point. Although I missed the majority of the games, we all sure had a great time! My team got raped in "BTB Conquest." and they all got pissed at me for some reason, but who cares!? I can't wait for my voice to not be so freakin' high because everybody on my team hated when I talked. Although I swear that at one point I tried running somebody off the cliff in "Satellite Mice" and failed horribly... killing myself instead, I wish I was there for most of this stuff. Very nice Video Recap by the way! I r on teh YouTubez!!!
Wow. Really awesome recap. And great job taking all of these pictures, it really captured the different gametypes. I wish I was there =P
I "uber pwned" with the flag beat down from side seat of the Warthog through the Warthog and the Bubble Shield. :lol: