This is what I recommend testing. Shishka is mainly looking for maps in Team Objective so I wouldn't worry about snipers or SWAT or Slayer for now. Multi Flag CTF (20.8%) - Players attempt to capture the opposing team's flag. First team to three captures wins. 15 minute match time limit. Multi Flag BR (14.9%) - Players attempt to capture the opposing team's flag. First team to three captures wins. Players spawn with Battle Rifles and Assault Rifles. 15 minute match time limit. Assault (9.3%) - Teams score points by successfully detonating their bomb in the opposing team's base. First team to three successful detonations wins. 15 minute match time limit. One Bomb (11.9%) - Round-based Assault where teams alternate attempting to detonate a bomb and defending the base. The team with the most detonations after four rounds wins. Four minute round time limit. Neutral Bomb (5.6%) - Teams vie over a single bomb, scoring points by detonating the bomb in the opposing team's base. 15 minute match time limit. And when you submit it be sure to post more than 3 gameplay films, one for each gametype that you want it to play in MM. Shishka shouldn't have to get 7 other people to see if how well your gametypes play. This map can absolutely make it. I can rarely get 8 people together, but I want to help... So, Send a FR to Spaceneil8 labeled gridlocked Test and invite me to you test games. I'll give feedback on all the games.
I went ahead and d/l'ed the map. I'll try to get some games on it later. When exactly do you plan on submitting it?
If I can get 3 good videos this weekend of Multiflag, Team Slayer and Neutral Bomb I'll post it this weekend.
I don't think it should be a problem. You have to move a fusion coil a certain distance before you can pull it off. If it can be done during a game, then I'll get rid of the fusion coils. Until then I'm going to keep them, because the pros of having them there outweigh the cons.
Thats cool, just helping out. Anyway do you still want people to test this map, or are you done tweaking?
There was one more change I wanted to make, but I don't think I have the forge skill to pull it off. So for now its a green light on this version.
In the spartan Laser alley, I wanted to create a slit in between the fence walls so it would be easier to shoot from one base to the other. I was also thinking about swapping out the laser for a rocket launcher, but only if I could get the fence walls just right. The fence walls are tricky to merge that deep, at least for me.
I know that since smashed is so terrible bungie won't mind about this, and i also know you went to a lot of trouble with this map and it plays spectacularly! Some of the geo-merged boxes are crooked. If you really look at them, there are some that are SLIGHTLY uneven, but maybe bungie will go nope you fail, that geo-merge was a tiny bit off but i just thought you should know
Yeah, for some reason the boxes seem to move from session to session. At one point they all were perfectly vertical, but I'm going back and making sure everything looks perfect. Thanks for the comments, that's exactly what I'm looking for!
I would try to help but getting 8 people is quite rare for me since they tend to play newer games. I can regularly get 6 people in so would making a match report on a 3v3 match suffice? They wouldn't work for filming since MM requires 4 and would make them unsatisfactory, but maybe get a match going and ask everyone what they thought.
this is one of my favorite maps, so now im really, really sad to give how i can break it, no longer can i go and get sharp shooter metals on it with ease, but it's for the best. *sighs* ok what you do is grab the gravity hammer and the sniper, then go the the fusion coils right by the spartan laser spawn, then you can simply explode them with the hammer while jumping back wards to land in some chain-chain-link-box-thing. ( i forgot what there really called.) Now you can hammer jump onto the lege of the box and walk around right over the enemies spawn, and on top of the pillars as well.
Any kind of feedback is useful! =) And it looks like I'm going to have to remove the fusion coils... =/ Ah well.
I don't know if you consider this a problem, but I found it relatively annoying when I play Gridlocked. In CTF, people grab the flag, throw it over the wall into the lazer alley, throw over the other wall, and score, essentially skipping the entire map when they rally the flag in such a way.
Yes but it would take some extreme team coordination to pull that off faster than just walking around or driving around. And if you do pull it off, that's what team objective is all about: working with your team.
Right. I have never had a team that coordinated. I don't think that is a problem. For example, on Isolation, you can basically the same thing by using the windows. EDIT: I manged to play a game with some people. Link to File