IF IN THE WRONG FORUM PLEASE MOVE OR LOCK! My map will hopefully be released tommorow (I forgot to put it on my fileshare tonight). But anyways here's a taster:
It looks like it has promise, but I see a lot of separated, random structures. It doesn't look to be one flowing map, more of lots of random, isolated areas. And what's with the floating box the ghost is in? You shouldn't be required to jump to get anywhere in a map or it breaks the flow, let alone grenade jump.
I know what you mean, and yes you do need to jump to grab the ghost, but you don't need to grenade jump, you just stand underneath, jump and hold RB and you're in the ghost.
I actually like the idea of the RB jump to get the ghost, you dont need to grenade jump. It "flows" pretty nice if you were to ask me. I like the interlockzz, and geomergzz with the wonderful scenery. Some parts look open, but i don't think it should effect it to much, because of the ghost. Soo Overall goodjob, lookingforward to the post
well the testing has been done... and it does flow pretty well... except in KotH so I need to change that (but who plays it anyway?).
I like the look of the map near the back halls area, but then it seems to get too open, but maybe the ghost equals that out. With that in mind this looks like it would make for some fun matches. I look forward to seeing your post tomorrow.
when i said hopefully it will be up tomorrow... that was saturday nite, but hopefully by the end of the week...