<- link to thread on Use normal Rocket Race Gametype It is a trick map with jumps and other stuff like easy gravity lift Vip Destination Spots in the sky, a tunnel type thing with mancannons and shield doors, bounces of shield doors and i think that is it I only have one screenshot atm soo... This is a spawn point... [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=7][/img]
they wont upload i have a shitty computer ill try to get some more though it basicallly has a jump, a jump w/ a shield door to bounce off of, a tunnel, a bouncy thing w/ shield doors and another jump
lmfao add me on xbl gamertag - A 1337 N1NJ4 i cant go on often cuz i got a broken xbox but on weekends i can
Same here, I can usually only get on the weekends but I happen to get on tomorrow so I'll add you then.